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Horn Draoi

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Everything posted by Horn Draoi

  1. I have Cigars and Whisk(e)y night every Wednesday night with 5 aggy (what can I say? It’s a tiny town, and I seldom buy-). Your posts to this thread have provided endless entertainment and useful knowledge; hell, they never know why I’m laughing. Onward to full recovery, get well soon!
  2. Probably the shrimper I met when he came up to my fishing partner and I to cadge a beer poolside at some skeezy motel in Aransas Pass. Grabbed my hands, looked ‘em over, and said i obviously didn’t work hard because they weren’t as calloused and scarred as his. Then offered to sell us a pound of weed, fresh off the boat. Then invited us into the hot tub, since it was getting dark. Uh, no man. We’re getting up early to go fishing, so time for us to hit the hay………..
  3. I want a Cabronita, but not the reverse headstock, thanks. Even a Cabronita snakehead would suit me better-talk about a strange guitar!
  4. That’s bullshit. When my daughter decided she needed/wanted an MBA, I’d pay for it anywhere she could get in, except aggy. No how, no way, never. Wisely, she didn’t bother to apply at Baghdad on the Brazos.
  5. Buy it. You do you-but it is pink……………..
  6. Re: HB H-S-H setup- I thought all H-S-H were “low to midrange heavy and kind of mushy.” Har! Just kidding-you might find some used pickups and save some coin. My only ‘bucker guitar is an old Yamaha Tele-shape with twin DiMarzio PAF’s; it’s a boomer, but not exactly articulate compared to well set up and tone controlled single coils. Guess I may have been listening to Tele music too long.
  7. Please let us know what you think of it; I’m thinking I may need a Ric 12-string fake, myself!
  8. I bought a H-B Tele-style ‘52 as a beater/leave at the other house toy. Tuners are extremely mediocre, good fret work, nice finish, pickups surprisingly decent. Can’t imagine doing better for $149 or whatever I paid. I’m gonna replace the tuners just for the hell of it. Body and headstock shape aren’t perfect, but who cares? Not gonna be on any album covers anytime soon…..
  9. This is one of the most out-of-touch (dumber’n dog shit) posts I’ve ever seen.
  10. “Sticking point?” ISWYDT1
  11. From the top of the Hill Country—FIGHT!
  12. From the top of the Hill Country: FIGHT!
  13. I don’t know, farmer, there’s just something about you that really pisses me off—doG. Old cotton country joke.
  14. I can handle the Brussels sprouts and fish chili potatoes, but the salt cod intrigues me-heard about it all my life, never tasted it. Where did you find it? Did you soak it before cooking? Cooked in a big ole skillet? Thanks!
  15. And Trini Lopez! That’s one of the worst Lip-syncing cuts I’ve ever seen, but Sahm’s hair is magnificent. It might have gotten a little dusty in here when I heard he had died at the Taos Inn. A magnetic, charismatic performer, and one of the great Texas songwriters and bandleaders.
  16. From a beautiful morning at the top of the Hill Country—-FIGHT!
  17. Sounds like “rules of the road” for a serial killer.
  18. Fired, quit, makes no difference; of course he’s going back to his regular office and classroom-he’s a tenured professor at a large state school. Duh!
  19. I’m catching up on my favorite thread-did McMurphy call Texas the “Longhorn state?” There’s a clue……..
  20. 48 years yesterday..what a long, strange trip…………….
  21. For Biff Tanner: last I knew from friends in the convenience store business in New Mexico, the state has a hard ceiling on the number of alcohol licenses to be sold, period. That is, if you want a license, you have to buy an existing one. In the mid 80’s (!) a license was worth $1,000,000.. that would probably cut out some Allsup’s. Don’t know exactly the situation now………..
  22. Best guess: is that Waylon and first bride?
  23. What starts in this thread changes the world.
  24. Yes Didn’t Micawber originally have some oddball (Fender?) lap steel ‘bucket, or am I just confusing it with the Coodercaster?
  25. The song that sparked my sometimes incomprehensible love trying to play “smooth” jazz. RIP.
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