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Horn Draoi

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Everything posted by Horn Draoi

  1. Username checks out!
  2. OK, I just can’t resist weighing in on this- CoQ10 does NOT enhance statin effect; it replaces the CoQ10 that statins deplete. Replacement means the patient is much less likely to experience the the under-reported but exceedingly common muscle aches that drive people off of statins. Fish oil helps change the HDL/LDL ratios that clinicians like to examine, not related to CoQ10 at all. in case your MD/DO/NP/PA/pharmacist is just not well informed (only too common), statins should ALWAYS be taken at BEDTIME. Better effect that way.
  3. Horn Draoi

    Cart Narcs

    No, I don’t. I grew up poor in Texas myself; I avoid the scumbags as much as possible, but I don’t ignore them, either. Probably why I choose to live a hundred miles from anything that might remotely be called a “city.”
  4. Maybe 35 or 40 over the years, but only up to 4 pounds or so. Key West. Bigger is better?
  5. In reality, carp on a fly is quite a ‘thing.” I have a box of carp flies, and go after ‘em all the time. Freshwater bonefish but more powerful. Stalk and cast.
  6. Horn Draoi

    Cart Narcs

    FAAFO. Keep your hood rat, white trash, meth head hands off my possessions at all times.
  7. Y’all are gonna love retirement. After being on the job at 0630 for many years to start taking patient calls, I now generally don’t give a shit what time it is-unless it’s mealtime.
  8. Just can’t handle salmon, maybe as a smoked salmon dip. No shark, no redfish, no fresh tuna, no swordfish for me, thanks. OTOH, I love all crustaceans, mollusks, and white-fleshed fish, and celebrate anchovies and crispy fried sardines. Taste is a strange phenomenon.
  9. I believe 1974, that’s what the wife and I decided last night on the way to dinner; interestingly, she did EXACTLY the same thing with her diploma trade offer!
  10. Saw her live at WTSU (fuck the new a&m part) in the field house. Good show, very capable singer, and a lovely, lovely woman. Very sad.
  11. Cochineal extraction, maybe? Don’t take that to the bank……..
  12. Bob Wills is STILL the king-but don’t count out Willie!
  13. My wife’s family lived next to a portion of the Jennings family in Littlefield for years-they have some great Waylon stories. I love his music, too (all except the ill-advised version of “MacArthur Park”) but, damn, somebody should have tuned that Telecaster before he kicked that one off!
  14. “China Grove,” the Doobie Brothers. Triple guitar driven. “Fortunate Son” by CCR. “Satisfaction,” the guitar riff that changed everything in rock music.
  15. Or Wichita Falls, or Lubbock, or Tyler……we could play this game all day. San Angelo is actually a pretty nice place in cowboy West Texas, but water is a continuing problem.
  16. LA NYC-but August can be brutal
  17. Thanks for the info, I’ve now been researching, too. I’m an olive oil/avocado oil/butter cook, and had never looked at cottonseed oil. Oh, and sesame oil and lard in the appropriate dishes.
  18. “Refresh?” Whut? Says who?
  19. You don’t like the taste of cottonseed oil or is there some anti-health reason? Honest question, and I’m gonna look for that brand you show.
  20. New Baytown Seafood Express for the Thai food; I personally avoid Gatesville anywhere near a meal time-good luck with your visit and please report back! I’d love another decent recommendation.
  21. Horn Draoi

    Getting old sucks

    Don’t blame you a bit for that attitude-I’m on 2 prescriptions, and it’s a pain in the ass. OTOH, i started a regimen of supplements at about 45 and I subjectively feel “better” overall whenI remember to take ‘em.
  22. Horn Draoi

    Getting old sucks

    Start with vitamin C, vitamin D (5000iu/day), and a chelated magnesium twice a day. I wouldn’t bother taking anything I bought off Amazon. How far down this rabbit hole to go? You’ll figure it out. from your friendly non-local pharmacist
  23. Same. Fuck ‘em. And Blue Bell, too.
  24. The Faces - “Stay With Me.” Glorious cock rock!
  25. Excellent taste you exhibit; Steve Goodman and David Allen Coe to the contrary, this is perhaps the greatest country song ever.
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