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Horn Draoi

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Everything posted by Horn Draoi

  1. I did the cowboy action shooting deal for years and had great fun, but it’s half-assed “re-enactment.” My late father did the mountain man re-enactment bit for years; I tried 1 weekend with him, and ended up sleeping in my truck and trying to locate the nearest Starbucks on my phone! Not good times for the people that had to live it. As my scoutmaster buddy used to say, “I love me some porcelain!.”
  2. Like my 401K
  3. Wow, W P, you’re one of my favorite posters, but I didn’t expect a comment on a 2 month old comment. fascinating tidbit on the Osceola I don’t think yaupon contains any hallucinogens (unlike, say, the Texas Mountain Laurel) but it is pretty highly caffeinated; I imagine drinking a gallon of weak Folger’s would lead to something like visions! I’m still not dragging my lazy ass off the couch to pick enough leaves and berries to make a gallon of yaupon tea, so I guess I’m safe.
  4. Easy drive distance to northern NM or southern Colorado is literally the only perk of living in the Panhandle. It can be quite a big one if you're into skiing/boarding and or hiking though. Well, that and the cool mornings and evenings September through early June, and the lessened cost of living. I don’t live in the old home place up there due to the damned wind.
  5. Amarillo is a LOT nicer; just try to find a decent restaurant in Lubbock……and Amarillo is a lot closer to Santa Fe and Taos and the joys of Colorado. If Tech’s vet school is half as good as their medical school, tamu’s vet school will drop again in the international rankings.
  6. For general use, we use the 365 brand from Whole Foods
  7. Your son knows you’re recovering and is sending you to Spec’s? Slap him upside the head and tell him to go buy his own cheap-ass tequila.
  8. This great reply made me LOL. If. It’s east of Gatesville, it’s East fucking Texas to me-just count the appliances on the porch…..
  9. My father was a college prof; I grew up on small university campuses (not SEC or SWC). Personal confession: I went to a&m on a full ride academic scholarship (ChemE) as a freshman-I was evidently an 0.002% guy. “Underwhelming” would be an incredible understatement. Got out after 2 semesters. Married into a family of engineers and accountants, plenty of acquaintances from both universities. I’ve never met an aggy engineer I’d let design a carport for me, or an aggy accountant I’d let balance my checkbook. What starts at Texas changes the world, what starts at tamu fucks things up. It’s a second rate cow college situated in shithole East Texas-always has been, always will be. Never doubt it, never forget it.
  10. You lost me at vodka martinis A martini is gin plus a variable amount of vermouth plus an odd number of olives (never an even #!). Those vodka variants should be renamed-how about “pussywash?”
  11. Outstanding! Tremendous discipline. I’m down from 215 to 195 (at 6’3”), but it’s all in my belly. Now off to get a Reuben…..this shit is hard!
  12. Potato chips-any kind, any size, from the little Subway size up to the 5 gallon cardboard bucket size (do those still exist?). If it’s open, I’m eating them all. Greasy hands, swollen lips from the salt, stomach doing somersaults, none of that matters. My mouth wants more!
  13. From my back deck in the Hill Country- TEXAS!
  14. Yeah, I’m sure the soil they’re grown in is a big factor, too, but figuring that out is way above my pay grade!
  15. Don’t disagree with the pussification comment, but jalapeños are all about growing conditions; drier and hotter = hotter peppers. I buy ‘em at the store, too, but it’s kinda like buying a sealed box of chocolates-you just don’t know what you’re getting. I’ve tried several times to grow my own and experiment with water requirements, shade, etc. but the damned deer eat them right down to the dirt.
  16. This guy gets it!
  17. You might try telling her that 5 or 6 Speer 135gr (short barrel load) hollow points is the adult equivalent to hollering “STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!” To a 4 year old……just for big bad guys. I have always found that female shooters are very apt pupils early on in training-evidently most are not descendants of Dan’l Boone and actually pay attention to things like front sight and trigger control………
  18. My experience over the years, too; I think there may be some, ah, “loopholes” in Italian environmental regulations that can be exploited for some finishing processes. In other words, I drink wine in Italy, not the water.
  19. I can’t find where Norinco ever made lever gun replicas. I’d bet that’s Italian. If you got it from Cimarron (perhaps a Uberti?) start with Cimarron, then Uberti. Good luck with all that. If it’s a Miroku/Winchester you may have better luck.
  20. BTW, what exactly do you mean by “you people?” He’d pass anywhere but church in my little town (or a pasture-grassburrs!)
  21. Looks to me like Mark Davis and JJ are having a little contest to see who can most look like a space alien owner.
  22. You could Cerakote it-kind of an odd choice for that gun, but it already gave up most of its value with rust damage.
  23. He’s a traditionalist-felt hat after Labor Day
  24. 6’3”, 195# 17 fishing shirts in my closet (Magellan/Academy for the win)-TEXAS polos on game day Pissant F150 ‘cause reasons Cargo shorts at least 5 months of the year (prefer Duluth) Ray Bans Guatemalan palm “straw” hat from Sunbody in Houston And a gun-always a gun. Nobody has clued you in that fishing shirts are excellent for concealed carry? Original fine cut wintergreen Skoal I’m thinking of having “FAAFO” embroidered on my fishing shirts……..
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