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Tyler Durden

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Everything posted by Tyler Durden

  1. We’ve seen worse on this board so why not.
  2. I recall something from the Ag board years ago where WinAgs and two other guys met somewhere near the galleria. One of the guys was there as a witness. Think it only amounted to a bunch of pushing.
  3. Both of the Pappas locations are better than Three Forks.
  4. They didn't at Newark about five years ago.
  5. You can also generally watch the standard definition channels when the HD ones go out during a storm.
  6. I’m watching but only because it’s the last season and I made it this far.
  7. Didn't the decanters used for bottles of Pappy have lead in them? Seem to recall people mentioning that. Tremendous find.
  8. I'm guessing he was all out of fucks to give more so than he cared about changing her behavior.
  9. Vinnie’s blows goats.
  10. Jennifer is starting to look wide.
  11. I thought Vinny's was fucking terrible. I got it through Favor so I'm sure it's better if you eat it at the place but it's still going to be awful.
  12. Was really hoping this was a webcam.
  13. They had a few interesting bottles as well. The last time I was there, they had Compass Box The General. That's almost impossible to find.
  14. My favorite cocktail bar is Attaboy because there is no menu and they can make anything you want. Place is tiny though so get there early and put your name on the list.
  15. Yes.
  16. They used the wrong R word.
  17. Trump''s ego couldn't take it if folks were stroking it and not looking at this image.
  18. Not a chance. He owns them and will turn his base against anyone who he doesn't think is on the team.
  19. There is a much easier way to avoid any confusion on golf balls. Just get a sharpie and make a couple marks.
  20. No shit it’s a parody. That wasn’t lost on anyone. I don’t have a clue what you meant by the second sentence.
  21. Your mind is so fucking warped that you think Mueller is the same as Giuliani? You guys are like a tag team of fucking morons. One of you posts stupid shit for a while and then tags out so someone else can take your place.
  22. Ray would say that Houston is so humid it feels like a big creampie.
  23. Those people would be called Never Trumpers and would never waste their time defending this insane bullshit.
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