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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mycox

  1. Season 3, titled Barry is Dead Mostly kidding but they could have just ended the show there. Maybe do a spinoff. Hank befriends Fuches. Sharpshooter gets pissed off at Hank and a new revilary begins. Fonze finds out Fuches connections and teams up with sharpshooter. Fonze is now an asshole. Sally goes into porn.
  2. Barry taking out all of those guys was unrealistic. I was kind of hoping that guy was going to take Barry out with a single shot to the head. Sharpshooter feels bad and Season 2 ends; then see what develops season 3.
  3. That sucks and all, but how can you blame the mayor for flood that devastated your neighborhood? That wasn't Sylvester Turner's decision to release those flood gates. Taxes? You pay property taxes or states taxes. You are going to get taxed either way. Again, that is not Turner's decision.
  4. That situation does indeed suck. I'm not sure who to contact to expedite that service.
  5. West Memorial is the burbs. Sullhorn just stated my case.
  6. Tilman Fertitta determined to do ‘whatever it takes’ to improve Rockets
  7. Can you tell me where the money for flood control is going? You are also telling us Lina Hidalgo decided to divert money after months on the job? What about the trash service have you not liked? There were issues with the recycling trucks because most were out of service due to mechanical problems. That has been resolved.
  8. He's done OK, not great but not bad. Most of that bitching is from the suburbs and because he has a "D" next to his name. Same with the new County Judge.
  9. ^^^exactly. Most people who voted for Prob B did so without any research or blindly voted because firefighters are good people who risk their lives. Firefighters gathered more than 32000 signatures on petitions, so that's how it go on the ballot.
  10. This is what was on the ballot. https://ballotpedia.org/Houston,_Texas,_Proposition_B,_City_Firefighters_Charter_Amendment_(November_2018) Back in the early early 2000's HPD agreed to raises in exchange for pension and benefit cuts, while firefighters rejected the raises and continued to bulk up their pension. This lead to the 25 percent pay gap between the two entities. In 2017 Houston was going bankrupt paying the firefighter pensions, so Mayor Turner went to the Texas Legislature and they approved the city's pension reform plans. Firefighters voted down 4% pay increase in 2014. A 9.5 percent raise over three years 9.5 percent salary increase was proposed earlier in 2018. How the hell is a city supposed to find $100 million dollars without layoffs? Does HFD deserve more pay now that their pensions have been reduced? yes Should it cost Houston $100 million a year when it wasn't budgeted? no Are both the city and HFD union being assholes? yes
  11. I think spystud13 might be that OCD\borderline asperger Unix engineer who works next to me
  12. Cool. You just didn't point that out on post #100 What is considered a short trip? I walk when possible because I hate driving. I have a short 2 mile commute to work. I bike when the weather is nice. I will use a scooter when it's hot.
  13. Would you rather walk over a mile when it's 98 degrees outside, Uber/Lyft, or just grab a scooter and pay $1.75? The scooter will get you your destination in 5 minutes.
  14. Morey has had a chance for 12 years . I'll give him some slack because he has to face the Warriors in the playoffs every year, but it's still his job to build a team and playoff system to beat them. His days should be numbered. He's had some great players in the past, but he seems intent on trading them away for assets. D'antoni is looking to be what he was in Phoenix - a hall of fame regular season coach. His teams are too soft in the playoffs.
  15. Well Fertitta has only owned the Rockets for a couple of season. I would say this is situation more on Daryl Morey.
  16. It has been said the Odor is far better than Altuve. I think they should just cut Altuve.
  17. Here you go in the 5th ward. Buy a few of these lots and sit on it for 10 years and you might have something. https://www.har.com/mapsearch/?map_tools_nwlat=29.79496741883127&map_tools_nwlng=-95.33667314788818&map_tools_selat=29.77962240409536&map_tools_selng=-95.30989397308349&for_sale=1#m91297986
  18. They need to raise that wall a couple of feet. Too many cheap HRs.
  19. Sitting Brantley on a hot streak sounds dumb
  20. To be fair, I felt like shooting people at McIntyre’s at times
  21. There is no doubt Houston is a major hub for sex trafficking. That includes the girls you don't see on the streets working in massage parlors.
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