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Tired of Lurking

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Everything posted by Tired of Lurking

  1. Yeah it was fun for a few minutes. Now it's just a normal boring Big 10 game with shitty, unexplosive offenses.
  2. I thought Fatterson was supposed to have a smart, disciplined defense?
  3. Steve Atwater and Ed Reed would be the dirtiest players in the league these days.
  4. Come the fuck on. They are just supposed to let the receiver catch now?
  5. Looks like it's slowing down now.
  6. I wonder if all of the Texas players recruited by Illinois are regretting their decisions.
  7. God, I can't imagine have ice stuck in my beard for a few hours. I was miserable when it was 45 degrees on Monday.
  8. Ha, Motley you stupid fuck.
  9. TCU defense had to be winded. OU has had the ball all quarter.
  10. Ha, showing no confidence in the defense already.
  11. Damn that sky looks scary.
  12. Stopped short. Nice.
  13. Marquise Tre Hollywood Brown
  14. Some people should shop at UntuckIt. @Fatterson
  15. Hoping for a replay. If anyone sees one on the twatters, please post, thanks!
  16. Shit I missed it. Turpin?
  17. Jesus, people can't even celebrate touchdowns these days.
  18. Wow, TCU sucks.
  19. Which sooner player is going to quit at halftime today?
  20. I guess I'm in.
  21. This is obviously why Marcel Brooks hasn't been arrested yet:
  22. Since every app allows money transfers nowadays, I am guessing things like Venmo, CashApp, and hell, Snapchat and Facebook Messenger are all the rage these days.
  23. Reesing lives at the building I used to work at. He's definitely short, but is still pretty muscular. I've had drinks with him several times; he and his friends are total frat dudes, but they are incredibly nice and welcoming. They frequent Barbarella (in costume) a lot.
  24. Clearly I'm not remembering correctly. Sorry for the misinfo.
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