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Everything posted by dad

  1. I claim zero heathens on this board as my children.
  2. Why can’t it be both? The Ewers hate isn’t based on this game alone.
  3. I thought he was too with a simplified game plan. But I don’t fault Sark for going back to Ewers since Arch was off on his throws and also lost the ball just like Ewers. And he just got spied to eliminate his running ability anyway. At that point I guess Sark figured might as well go with the more experienced option.
  4. Agreed. And it’s sad because it’s not fair to Arch to throw him out there unprepared. Even his own family probably doesn’t want that.
  5. Oh ok then well deserved. I worked with a Duke grad once and she couldn’t tell you anything without mentioning it. And somehow she was an idiot. A mechanical engineer who once asked me, what the units for RPM were. Someone who works for a helicopter company. Wtf.
  6. What team does he root for?
  7. At one point my firestick asked me if I wanted to keep watching after detecting inactivity for a few hours. It was trying to put me out of my misery. It was that bad.
  8. I’m ok with Ewers getting the second half. Arch didn’t exactly throw it with precision himself otherwise I would have been calling for him to come back. And yes Ewers sucked and was just as responsible as the OL for the loss.
  9. And the punter. If we had a decent punter they probably don’t score one or two of those.
  10. How fitting we stuff Etienne while you bring up this stupid take.
  11. We didn’t lose this game because of the run defense dumb ass. We lost it because of our shitty offense.
  12. I haven’t been back on the board for years but this is an act right? You’re not this retarded are you? You just say shit to get people stirred up right?
  13. Is this dumb ass UTEX_ME Taylor Gaspar?
  14. Test these guys for steroids because we are losing and they seem stronger then our big guys
  15. No matter what happens we made this a respectable fucking game and I’m fucking proud
  16. If we win that student section bottle clip will go down in infamy
  17. Why can’t we fucking challenge such a bullshit call like that
  18. The referee was in the way of that middle slant it wasn’t AS open as it seems on replay.
  19. What the fuck is the point of running a zone read if the QB isn’t going to keep it when the outside is wide open?
  20. I could use another long pass attempt with a pass interference flag.
  21. At least he has a good run but let’s not pretend like this is ALL on Ewers. No QB can do shit if they have a DL in their face within two seconds. But it’s better than nothing.
  22. I was hoping to be celebratory drunk not coping drunk.
  23. A lot of us knew deep down we were over rated and hadn’t played a great team yet. Now everybody knows. It is what it is.
  24. What is Arch going to do if we can’t block for shit?
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