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Posts posted by dad

  1. 1 minute ago, Katfid54 said:

    Dude you can't even type the fucking word.  The first time it was "meta-data" and now it's "metadeta."  The word is metadata.  If you can't even fucking spell the thing that you say you do for a living, I'm not quivering in my boots about your subject matter expertise.

    Haha so the lack of a hyphen on a forum shit post completely invalidates years of experience.. i'm not here to be validated by you i'm just here to let you know that I know a whole lot more about the subject of which you're attempting to imply that I'm ignorant on which is kind of fucking ironic.

  2. I've decided to finish the garage walls. The tape was coming off in most places so i've pulled that down. I have the tape, mud, pan, masks,  bucket, sponge, drywall knives. I need to buy a pole sander attachment. I've never done this before but I think i need to sand down the existing dry mud from the previous installation first to start with a smooth even finish. Then i'll apply the mud and tape and sand and do it over again a million times. I've watched a few youtube videos. It'll be tedious but not rocket science. I just want general advice, do-s and don'ts. Like I have questions about how to make sure you stay straight when applying a super long tape to the ceiling. Do I need to fill in the larger holes like in the corners with something else? Why did they use like 4 layers of tape in an L shape in the corners instead of filling in the corners with some compound first so there is no weak points... 

    learn me...

  3. Can someone please post highlights of each of our 2019 skill players so that I can refresh myself on the incoming talent without having to go look for them myself? Feel free to post as individual post per player for better meta-data segregation.

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