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Everything posted by dad

  1. It’s so beautiful. Makes me tear up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Is there proof that EJ likes women?
  3. That's ironic because you could say the same thing about your response to a satyanash post.
  4. Also get you a 5 gallon plastic bucket and put a kitchen trash bag in it to use to dump charcoal and grease from your WSM so that you don't make a mess in your backyard. Once it's full you tie it up and throw in the trash and start again.
  5. Doesn’t matter. Look at how the Ohio State vs. Oregon championship played out. I’d always choose smash mouth football over finesse.
  6. I was under the impression that Chris Del Conte and Herman were going to or have done something to make that process "easier"... am I misremembering? Note that I don't know how much power they would have to do something like that.
  7. I wonder if it’s tired legs or fear of the big stage causing all these misses
  8. Agreed, it's obvious they just want to chalk up his commitment as a "win" against us and the other rivals.
  9. I think i'll shop around to try a therapist out to get some good ole CBT to see if that helps. It's probably too expensive per session to go through with it all the way for my health care budget but I could at least try 3 or so sessions to see if it seems like it could help. Why not now for "mental health awareness month".. --------------------------------------------- @cactusflinthead: The psychedelic -assisted therapy stuff sounds very interesting. If I knew of someone around DFW that could do that I would give it a try. I would give anything a try! @Bogeywon: I can relate to the wife not completely understanding what we're going through. I've asked my wife to drive on a couple of occasions on long trips because there's something about driving a car in heavy traffic for hours on end that doesn't mix well with someone with anxiety. On one occasion she got upset with me over something unrelated and she threw it in my face that she "wasn't my chauffeur" which kind of hurt. Other than that she's been very supportive when I'm feeling really bad but you wouldn't say something like that if you truly felt the physical symptoms that a full blown anxiety attack can bring.
  10. Waiting for the aggies to say that they face LSU and Bama every year...
  11. I'm sure no one remembers but I had a scare with my heart after some chest pain and fainting back in March. Had it fully checked out and the doctors say my heart is in good condition but the whole ordeal gave me anxiety symptoms. I felt this anxiety from March till mid April and then it went away for about three weeks but now for the past 3 weeks it has come back. The doc originally gave me some Klonopin to take on an as needed basis which I did take on a few occasions but I am/was hesitant to do this unless it was a severe anxiety attack because I don't want to become dependent on them. I finally went back to the doc a few weeks ago and to tell him how the specialists checks went and to see what he thought I should do about the anxiety. He prescribed Zoloft so I've been taking 50 mg (1/2 pill) everyday for the past two weeks. I do feel like it gives me a "boost" for a few hours after taking it but it doesn't prevent the symptoms from coming on later in the day. Hell just this weekend I took the half of a pill around noon and while I was at Pluckers at around 3 PM for lunch I had a full blown anxiety attack. My question to you guys is how many people here have experience with SSRI's and how long it takes for them to really take effect? Do they make you feel "normal" the entire day? Any stories of stopping them after extended use and any withdrawal symptoms? Any issues with being on SSRI's and performing intense cardio? I played basketball a few times after I started taking Zoloft and I feel like I get a little dizzy when I'm done playing. Another question is do you guys think that speaking to a therapist would help? I feel like I know nothing very stressful is going on around me so if I know that it's happening for no good reason now than how can someone "talk me out" of these weird physical symptoms? I could be at home watching movies all weekend and feel the anxiety related symptoms with nothing triggering it so how can I talk that away?
  12. Compare this to the same hs coaches bitching about how Strong circumvented then and went straight to the family’s couch. Herman trying to stroke those egos to change their tune towards UT.
  13. Damn that sucks. I always figured he was mainly a victim of poor QB play.
  14. Does LeBronto drink Brawndo?
  15. Wait... inexorable is a synonym for associated?
  16. Most people agree that Herman was a good OC at Ohio State therefore one would assume that he knows how to evaluate an OC. If this is true and if he still keeps Beck then that means he thinks that Beck has what it takes to succeed and likely thinks that the offensive ineptitude is due to the players and not the play calling.
  17. Where's the best store to purchase a cheap little chromebook? My 8 year old wants a laptop for his birthday (TODAY) so I need to drop by the store and pick one up on my way home today. I don't want to spend more than $200 on one since it's just for the little guy to mess around on. Walmart, Best Buy, Target? Thanks!
  18. I did the same a while back and it works very well for those very reasons.
  19. Only way we flip Wilson is if he sees amazing QB play from Texas over the course of the season. We all know that's not likely to happen if we're being realistic.
  20. I missed one of my kid's soccer games for a UT game once and we got blown out so I felt double bad for being a terrible dad. Just so you know that it can be a blessing in disguise if you don't watch it. . . Which won't be the case anymore because we are going to rape blow u.
  21. I also finally enjoyed an episode. It just felt different like they were actually building up to something over the season instead of just giving me a rollercoaster ride within one episode. I thought the interaction with Fiona was going to turn out differently. I figured Richard would start talking to her and realize the potential and want to turn his company into working on AI stuff powered by his technology. Alternatively I also thought maybe Fiona would try to hack into Richard's stuff while he worked next to her.
  22. Does a little leakage through the door perimeter really noticeably affect temperatures within the smoker? That's so hard to believe. Edit: Nevermind, I see someone on here said they used about 1/3 less charcoal. I guess it helps more with efficiency over a long smoke than it does with affecting the temperatures at the meat.
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