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Everything posted by gsoda3

  1. Isn't that how it works? We all form opinions and vote based on our moral imperatives.
  2. It's complicated though isn't it. OP called for a truce in this thread to discuss - frankly I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long. I believe there are things that are right as by the nature and laws of God. I've outlined several of them in my first post- issues I disagree with both within the D and R party. I might vote for a candidate from one or the other but I don't consider myself or tether myself to one party.
  3. I'm against it, mostly. I do recognize there are situations where it needs to be an option so a complete ban is in my opinion too rigid. Most of my closest friends are Christians between 25 and 50. I'm thinking the 20 people closest to me- out of that group maybe 1 would wholeheartedly support the GOP. I haven't seen you ask me any questions, just statements. I feel I've fleshed out my thinking quite clearly but maybe I haven't. Where are you confused?
  4. Like I said, Jesus modeled it Don't rely on society to make the world a better place. You do it. Join others who are doing it. Don't seek validation from others, you won't receive it. Even from the people you're helping.
  5. Did I not? Which question?
  6. You seem to think I'm speaking for the Republican Party of Texas?
  7. So was Job. And God told him he wasn't worthy of an explanation. You fight against this because you know it's wrong. You know it's wrong because that is against everything God teaches. You keep at it, without seeing results, because you have the promise that if you're in Jesus this is the closest to hell you'll get and that you'll receive your reward in full in the next life. You believe that no? Your logic is off. Jesus makes us. He defines us.
  8. No, that was directed towards Brisket who wants to go all in on himself and abandon making the world a better place. The life of a woman is just as precious and important as the life of an unborn baby. Yes one can speak for herself while the other cannot, but they are equally important.
  9. Added the bold. This is truth. You're beaten down from knowing the truth, living it, and being hurt by it. Don't look for validation from the world or from those you're physically serving. Jesus didn't. Seek contentment in all situations - you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
  10. Good seeing AA and Mari hitting more backside. Or at all.
  11. I'll go. I did not vote for Trump. I could vote for a penitent felon, but not one who refuses responsibility and accountability. I can't vote for someone who treats others the way he does. I think his tariffs are shortsighted and frankly disastrous. I can't wrap my head around the idea of a President who considers Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin as friends. I would like to see complete nationalized healthcare as a backstop available to every citizen. I want our President to value different cultures and be the figurehead of a country who embraces those looking for a safe haven. I did not vote for Kamala. I cannot vote for a candidate who would make abortion legal. I believe in individual rights of freedom- that we are created in the image of God and part of that image includes the freedom and dignity of choice. I believe in protecting and speaking up for those who are destitute, needy, and without voice. I believe God the creator knits us in the womb, that life begins at conception, and that He views miscarriages and failed pregnancies as deaths. When individual rights clash with protecting the innocent I look to Jesus's example of how He gave up His right as God in Heaven to come live on earth to unjustly suffered and die at the hands of his creation to save not the innocent but the guilty. He models how personal rights give way to protect life. To answer your question, yes I am on board with those measures. There's a far cry between handing out contraceptives at the door with a wink and a high-five and making them available while teaching responsibility and dignity. That needs to happen within the context of the home, but schools need to share responsibility in education because it's obviously not happening in every home. If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.
  12. I'm through the first set and a half. Our rhythm and pace is so much better so far.
  13. Yesterday in Austin was gorgeous. Woke up to high 40s and had dinner outside in the 70s.
  14. I know others will differ but for me it's 1.) TJ 2.) KD 3.) Mihm 4.) T Rencher It would take a lot to crack the top 4.
  15. UT vball color lady has the same habit.
  16. What even is Terry's offense.
  17. Evolve just sent out an email saying they've reconciled and will pay out amounts held in their banks (vs other banks across the Synpase ecosystem). I had $.23 in Evolve banks. Rest of the money's in other banks.
  18. Our go to is Terry Black's.
  19. gsoda3

    Cart Narcs

    What's that blue line at the edge of parking lots? Looks to form a square of some sort and every grocery store in Texas has them but I've never found an explanation.
  20. Those were the same two cops in both videos?
  21. I wish he was a black kirk cousins
  22. oh that poor girl.
  23. Haha hate to see it
  24. I'm pretty sure it was just a show piece showing off the prestige of the store. They're normally in the few thousand dollar range.
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