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  1. Yep. Golden caught that pass at the 14. Without the penalty he's in the end zone.
  2. I live nearby. I'll hitch the team and load up our wagon with provisions and head your way.
  3. Those of us who have lived in DFW for any length of time are used to doomsday winter storm warnings and accompanying alerts to stock up on food and supplies, only to have a normal cold day with zero snow. On the other hand, we occasionally get an actual winter storm with sleet and snow. When that happens the area goes into a virtual standstill and diving a few miles can take a couple of hours. We won't know which we will get until it happens.
  4. Up to 8 inches of snow projected for Thursday. It will be a mess.
  5. If Belichick's girlfriend had taste and discernment she wouldn't be Belichick's girlfriend.
  6. Too bad Tennessee lost. We could have played against Jake Smith and Bru McCoy in the same postseason.
  7. That's what I thought. The shadows on the field were exactly the same direction as the pass.
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