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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. That's why he needs more than Az. and Nv. At 270, a compromised or bribed elector is very possible.
  2. In Wisky, Biden closed 100,000+ deficit when the Milwaukee mail in ballots were processed and counted.
  3. Anyone with a translation? Higher turnout than expected? Lower? Higher in urban areas? Higher minority turnout?
  4. Don't want a war, but I'd take Carter.
  5. Hearing the Trump clan complain about someone else being corrupt is like listening to Mark Mangino make fun of someone's weight.
  6. "From 1952 through June 2020, annualized real stock market returns under Democrats have been 10.6% compared with 4.8% for Republicans." https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/07/23/historical-stock-market-returns-under-every-us-president/
  7. I've actually wondered whether some of his conduct is for the purpose of setting up an incompetence defense.
  8. Straight D. Done. No fucks given. Having drinks. Feeling good.
  9. Has this been mentioned yet? https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/14/politics/trump-campaign-donation-investigation/index.html
  10. Let's assume Trump loses this year - a reasonable assumption based on current polling. Does he run again in 2024? If not, does Don Jr. or Ivanka? A defeated Trump will be the most annoying ex-President ever and will do anything possible to garner attention. The Trump base (as a subgroup of the GOP base) is not going away, and will coalesce around whatever incarnation of Trump is the current flavor of the week.
  11. 1. The probe into the unmasking "scandal" ended with no finding of wrongdoing. 2. The Durham Report will not be ready until after the election. 3. The DOJ is not pursuing the arrests of Obama, Clinton, and Biden. 3. So yeah, this is what they've got. Rudy's always the go-to when there is nothing left.
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