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Posts posted by Horndog

  1. 20 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    I flipped over to Fox to hear what the other half is hearing.

    Hannity is interviewing Ted Cruz right now.  Cruz said that in every Democrat city, election monitors are being shut out, windows are being blacked out, and they know exactly how many votes they need to manufacture to make sure Biden is the winner.  He also said they did the same thing during the Gore/Bush recount with the hanging chads -- every time there was a recount, Al Gore's number magically went up.  They agreed that the entire election should be invalidated due to the rampant Democrat "lawlessness."

    Its amazing the depths these people have sunk to.

    And I'm still not at all convinced that they won't successfully steal this thing.  And they don't care if they provoke a civil war in the process.


  2. 3 hours ago, BNB said:

    Trump is the first President since Carter that hasn't started a war, and you all can't stand it.

    You want a war.

    Trump is trying to make peace in the middle east and you all want continued wars.

    Don't want a war, but I'd take Carter.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, Reynolds Woodcock said:

    Just in case any lurkers were duped by the disingenuous trolling of the human cum stain that is GRHorn, Joe Biden was speaking to GEORGE fucking Lopez in this spliced clip, in response to a question from Lopez about why undecided voters should vote. But yes, definitely the most logical conclusion is that Joe Biden momentarily believed he was running against the President from 2008.   

    Wait.  I heard that Biden thought he was running against Abe Lincoln.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    So we've gone from "Global warming is a myth" to "Global warming may be happening but its caused by natural reasons" to "Humans may be partially responsible to Global warming but there is nothing we can do about it" to "The effects of stopping global warming would be worse than global warming itself" to "Now is not the time to talk about it." 

    Progress I guess, except everyone of those statements were incorrect (or lies) when they were said, and are incorrect (or lies) now.


    Then some day it will be "thoughts and prayers."

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