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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. Does anyone know if the circus on January 6 will be televised?
  2. The Gohmert suit is as silly as the Plaintiff's name would indicate. Leaving aside the obvious questions about standing, whether there is an actual "case or controversy", etc., the argument in the Complaint is that there is a conflict between the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act concerning the method of resolving objections. Specifically, the Complaint asserts that the ECA "limits or eliminates [Pence's] exclusive authority and sole discretion under the Twelfth Amendment to determine which slates of electors for a State, or neither, may be counted; and replaces the Twelfth Amendment’s dispute resolution procedure – under which the House of Representatives has sole authority to choose the President." In other words, Gohmert is arguing that Pence, as President of the Senate has almost unbridled authority to conduct the voting process on Jan. 6, and by creating a structure for resolving disputes, the ECA impinges on that authority. The basic premise of that argument is that Pence does in fact have such authority. All the 12th Amendment says is: "The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates [of the elector's votes] and the votes shall then be counted." This is a perfunctory duty - open the certificates and count the votes. There is not one word in the Constitution about objections to electors, how the objections must be lodged, or how objections are to be resolved. No additional authority is given to the VP to do anything but open the certificates and count the votes. By arguing that the ECA resolution dispute process is unconstitutional, there must be an assumption that objections are allowed in the first place. The Constitution does not provide for objections; that right is only granted by the ECA itself. The internal inconsistency in the logic is staggering. Gohmert, et al are arguing that Congress has the power to create a mechanism for lodging objections (not found in the Constitution) but not the power to set up a process for resolving the objections. The VP's duty to open the certificates and count the votes is being construed as absolute authority to do whatever he pleases. So much for strict construction. If the ECA is unconstitutional, then arguable there is no right to object at all. Only the electors selected by the various states, in the manner determined by their legislatures, can have their votes opened and counted. Those electors are the ones certified by the states - not the ones determined by Pence.
  3. I hadn't thought of Carol Wayne in years. Googled her to find out what had become of her. She drowned while on vacation in Mexico in 1985. I had no idea. Got into an argument with her boyfriend, went for a walk on the beach, and disappeared. Her body was found a few days later by fisherman. Dotard are you listening?
  4. License plate should be "PARKME".
  5. It works for Dan Patrick too.
  6. It's hard to overlook a team that last won a conference championship in 1998.
  7. Maybe Drunk David Ash?
  8. If I remember right, OSU played slow- down ball control all night with Beanie Wells. I think every Texas possession started inside our 25.
  9. Yep. Cue the "didn't want to be there" excuse.
  10. If Fields doesn't play better than he did yesterday, it might get ugly.
  11. I haven't read this entire thread, and I'm not going to. I'll just say this - With about a minute left ISU had the ball about 35 yards away from a TD to win the Big 12. With the game and conference championship on the line, they then did the following: False start False start Total confusion getting the next play and formation called, leading to a Rushed snap to beat the play clock (rather than take a timeout), all ending in a Fucked up play and a throw-it-up-in-the-air interception to end the game If Texas did what ISU did, we would be screaming about lack of preparation and bad coaching.
  12. The Kraken can't have many tentacles left, can she?
  13. Maybe they should consider that God might have already gotten involved.
  14. I have been hoping for a long time to hear Dotus say "This is the big one."
  15. Let's keep this rain trolling.
  16. I have no information about an Urban renewal.
  17. That's what happens when you release the Kraken.
  18. Yeah, I remember during the midst of the Mack Brown era, when 10 win seasons were a floor, there was speculation that we would overtake Michigan for most all time wins by the end of the decade.
  19. Or maybe this: PreciousAngelicAmericanwigeon-mobile.mp4
  20. So I don't know any BMD's, and I don't know anyone who knows a BMD. I don't have an inside source, and I don't have a source that has an inside source. I am embarrassed that I got caught up in all the hysteria and actually believed that anonymous internet characters who associate their identities with long-retired hoopsters and squalid sea creatures had any better intel than the rest of us. I feel like I have been reading a very bad Dan Brown novel. Only a very few individuals have any real knowledge of what has happened or will happen. I personally don't believe that UM will ever be head football coach for Texas. I don't base that on anything other than common sense and what I can see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears. I will be very pleasantly surprised if I am wrong. I will continue to read this thread for the entertainment value and the occasional useful recipe or cooking tip. But until Herman is officially fired I will not get sucked into analyzing flight plans, trying to interpret hieroglyphic tweets, scrutinizing social media posts of everyone within UM's Kevin Bacon range, or putting the slightest bit of credence in anything grounded in hearsay. I will not be part of UManon. Many on here have tried to impose a timeline for change based on early signing day, arguing that a new coach will want to maximize the 2021 class. Others have suggested that out of professional courtesy UM would wait until later in order to avoid negative impacts on OSU. And some have said that CDC will not pull the trigger before the regular season ends, i.e. after KU whenever that is - and maybe not before the bowl game. I question the make-or-break impact of ESD. Getting the class solidified is hugely important, but the expanded transfer rules mitigate that somewhat. If the right coach is named, attracting transfers should not be hard. The first year is still a transition year on and off the field. A new coach is going to be looking mostly at year 2 and beyond. Recruiting after year 1 should take care of itself if the right coach is in place. With proper coaching Texas has enough talent to win the Big 12 next year even without a top 10 class. If I remember correctly, ISU has not had a class in the top 40 since Campbell has been there, but ISU won the Big 12 round robin and beat both Texas and OU. What I'm saying is there are ways to fill in any talent gap caused by a one-year drop off in recruiting. Given a choice between a knee-jerk firing before the end of the season (without a named replacement or with a Plan C guy) and getting UM (or the best qualified Plan B guy) on a longer timetable, I opt for the latter. If it's UM, fantastic. If it's Mullen or Cristobal or a coordinator or an NFL guy whose seasons are still ongoing, then I would rather wait for right guy at the right time. Getting it right is more important than getting it fast.
  21. DP
  22. Point of order: Does this edict only cover posts mentioning other coaches' names? Or does it also proscribe talk about whiskey/whisky, guns and rifles, hamburger joints, random acts of drunken debauchery, naughty bits, and photos of uncooked, undercooked, and overcooked meat? Asking for some friends.
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