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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. Trump is like Seinfeld, but without the personality, sense of humor, or self- awareness.
  2. Wouldn't a Bay of Pigs Award be something like a Waterloo award?
  3. I agree. He is reading from a quote and the word he comes upon is "fortuity", not "fortune." (Context clues and all.) But there is a difference between a verbal stumble and ignorance. He clearly does not know the word or how to pronounce it. When he gets to the word he pauses, does a brief mental inventory of his limited vocabulary, and comes out with "fortooty" because the word he is seeing on paper looks a bit like "fruit" and that is a word he knows and can pronounce.
  4. Heard about 5 minutes of the press conference today. He said something about Mike Pence, and I swear it sounded like "my pants."
  5. He's just confused. He was once the Michelin Man of the Year.
  6. Must have been a Johnny Cash convention in town.
  7. https://www.csoonline.com/article/2130877/the-biggest-data-breaches-of-the-21st-century.html
  8. This is where Bloomberg's money could help.
  9. I think I've figured "covfefe" out. The word sprang from the Dotard's subconscious mind after he had Dickensian glimpse of the future. It's short for "Covid. Fuck everything. Fuck everybody. "
  10. Wait a minute! So all those stupid jokes about Tiger Woods' parentage were about a Black thigh affair?
  11. "Manifest brain damage in 55% COVID-19 patients" Dammit - so if I get the COVID I might become a Republican?
  12. Death penalty! Or maybe a pardon?
  13. "Trump’s recent withdrawal from the airwaves in Michigan came as his campaign shifted advertising dollars to other battlegrounds like Iowa." Battlegrounds like Iowa? 2020 is a different ballgame.
  14. There must have been some demon semen from a spirit lover involved somewhere.
  15. Landlords still have repair obligations even if the tenant is not paying rent. Lots of A/C issues during a Texas summer, just as an example. And ongoing wear and tear, damage to property etc. Sometimes a vacant property is less expensive to a landlord than one occupied by a non-paying tenant.
  16. Too busy working on president stuff to do the "opening pitch", but plenty of time for a few rounds of golf with Lady G or Brett Favre. Okay.
  17. The Donner Expedition rides again?
  18. If there is one thing we have learned the last three and a half years, it is that rules do not matter.
  19. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/17/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-cancer-chemotherapy/index.html Being treated for liver cancer. Not good.
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