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Posts posted by Horndog

  1. 2 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    NYT said the tax story would be a series.  I doubt they blew their whole load yesterday.

    Maybe holding a few things back to drop right after Trump/Barr's upcoming October surprise. You know, like the Wikileaks dump happened an hour or so after the Access Hollywood tape.

  2. 9 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    My wife is a PA, my father and FIL are doctors, and I have grown up around medicine my entire life, so I’m with you here, but these are some truly evil people and I wouldn’t put anything past them, including finding a doctor that would do this. 

    That said, this is heinous and I really hope it’s not true. 

    Calling Dr. Kelno.

  3. 1 hour ago, TexasHooch said:

    The word he was trying to read was "fortuity".  Still flubbed it- and there's no doubt that he doesn't know what it means- but the word wasn't "fortune". He knows that word well- it's his favorite gift from daddy that he keeps losing.

    I agree.   He is reading from a quote and the word he comes upon is "fortuity", not "fortune."  (Context clues and all.)   But there is a difference between a verbal stumble  and ignorance.  He clearly does not know the word or how to pronounce it.  When he gets to the word he pauses, does a brief mental inventory of his limited vocabulary, and comes out with "fortooty"  because the word he is seeing on paper looks a bit like "fruit" and that is a word he knows and can pronounce.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    He's been lying about that Michigan man of the year thing for years. Has anyone ever actually asked him about it? 

    He's just confused. He was once the Michelin Man of the Year. 


    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 17 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    The crazy fucker got his plane story from Facebook.



    And I am cracking up at the “Heads on a swivel. Watch your six and carry heavy.” nonsense.

    I think he hit every dumb pseudo military cliche.


    Must have been a Johnny Cash convention in town.

  6. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    yet every few months, i still hear of a huge breach/hack/leak in some online shopping/bill paying situation where everyone's personal information is exposed.  i can't imagine the attacks that'll be cooked up if we turned to online voting.


  7. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Remember when "covfefe" was hilarious?

    I think I've figured "covfefe" out. The word sprang from the Dotard's subconscious mind after he had Dickensian glimpse of the future. It's short for "Covid. Fuck everything. Fuck everybody. "

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 5 hours ago, TexLonghorn said:

    Also, I'm sure most English-speaking people around the world say "Tanzaynia", "Nambia", "the United Szhtateszh", "Yosemight", and "Minionapolis".  🙄 

    I don't know why every republican insists on pretending that the way trump says or does things is the correct way and that everyone else is wrong.  Truly a cult.

    Wait a minute! So all those stupid jokes about Tiger Woods' parentage were about a Black thigh affair? 

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  9. 23 hours ago, Storm the Field said:

    And with 2 majority unfavorable main candidates, there was actual attention paid to the third party also-rans. Gary Johnson was on TV all the time and was frequently polling at 7 or 8%. Even Jill Stein was getting 3-4%. 

    Pop quiz, without googling it, name this year's third party candidates. Super bonus points if you could actually pick one out of a lineup.

    Which gave us the great moment "And what is Aleppo?"

  10. 4 hours ago, tchookem said:

    Is there a tax incentive to evict? If you're a landlord with empty property, do you pay less in April? Do you have to file eviction ro prove the property is vacant? Are there squatters' rights issues that arise? Accepting lower payment now means the rent is now lower later?

    I have no idea about any of those questions. I know what the right thing... the thing I like to think I would to do is, but I don't know what other factors may be at play.

    I don't know why anyone would want to rent property.

    Landlords still have repair obligations even if the tenant is not paying rent. Lots of A/C issues during a Texas summer, just as an example. And ongoing wear and tear, damage to property etc. Sometimes a vacant property is less expensive to a landlord than one occupied by a non-paying tenant. 

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  11. 15 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!  I had the best steamed muscles of my life a few months back - before America was banned from Europe.



    The Donner Expedition rides again?

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