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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. Hearing the Trump clan complain about someone else being corrupt is like listening to Mark Mangino make fun of someone's weight.
  2. "From 1952 through June 2020, annualized real stock market returns under Democrats have been 10.6% compared with 4.8% for Republicans." https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/07/23/historical-stock-market-returns-under-every-us-president/
  3. I've actually wondered whether some of his conduct is for the purpose of setting up an incompetence defense.
  4. Straight D. Done. No fucks given. Having drinks. Feeling good.
  5. Has this been mentioned yet? https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/14/politics/trump-campaign-donation-investigation/index.html
  6. Let's assume Trump loses this year - a reasonable assumption based on current polling. Does he run again in 2024? If not, does Don Jr. or Ivanka? A defeated Trump will be the most annoying ex-President ever and will do anything possible to garner attention. The Trump base (as a subgroup of the GOP base) is not going away, and will coalesce around whatever incarnation of Trump is the current flavor of the week.
  7. 1. The probe into the unmasking "scandal" ended with no finding of wrongdoing. 2. The Durham Report will not be ready until after the election. 3. The DOJ is not pursuing the arrests of Obama, Clinton, and Biden. 3. So yeah, this is what they've got. Rudy's always the go-to when there is nothing left.
  8. Trump won Texas 52% to 43%. About 4.5% voted third party or write-in. Lost in the wash from 2016 is this: "Texas was one of the eleven states where Hillary Clinton improved on Barack Obama's performance in 2012.[2]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas Assuming the "I hate Hillary" phenomenon was just as prevalent in Texas as the rest of the country, that suggests a possible shift of a point or two in Biden's direction with everything else being the same. Now, if you add in the projection that the 1.5 million new voters (the half that vote) break 2-1 for Biden, you get to about a 3 - 4 point differential. A big unknown is how the smaller third party presence will impact the vote. Significant factors for 2020: 1. The "Hillary factor" is gone 2. Likely drift away from Trump by suburban women 3. Large number of new voters 4. Lesser third-party presence 5. Motivation
  9. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/amp/Texas-voter-registration-surges-trump-biden-record-15586286.php&ved=2ahUKEwjOktOkwqbsAhWIB80KHWQTBfQQFjAGegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw10W6DkFQdJ-3cpmA0qeJIa&ampcf=1 Texas has once again shattered vote registration records, adding more than 1.5 million voters since the last presidential election. In the four previous presidential election cycles, Texas added about 700,000 new voters on average — less than half as many as have been added this cycle.
  10. Posted this on another thread. There are 1.5 million voters registered in Texas who were not registered in 2016. That's close to 10% of the total.
  11. How about - The idea of adding justices is a hypothetical that has not been seriously discussed. It would require action by the duly elected representatives of both houses of congress. The only reason it is even a topic of speculation is because of the epic duplicity and hypocrisy of Mitch McConnel and his band of Trump enablers, who egregiously failed in their constitutional duty to advise and consent on the nomination of Merrick Garland yet now feel compelled to push forward with the approval of a new Justice in record time, literally in the middle of an election and while several members of the Senate are contagious with a deadly virus that this administration treated as an inconvenient hoax.
  12. Might be a good time for a one-on-one sit down with Putin.
  13. "... And I dreamed I was flying..."
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