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Posts posted by Horndog

  1. 40 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    From my admittedly antiquated memory of Senate rules,  I figure if she can hang on until about Jan. 1, the dems can probably filibuster the Congress to a conclusion.  

     But make no mistake: if she were to die on say Dec.28, McConnell would bring the Senate back into session immediately and try to ram through a nominee If the GOP lost the election. They wouldn’t even have a committee hearing. 

    If there is one thing we have learned the last three and a half years, it is that rules do not matter.  

  2. spacer.png


    From NCAA President Mark Emmert:

    "When we made the extremely difficult decision to cancel last spring's championships, it was because there was simply no way to conduct them safely," Emmert said in a statement. "This document lays out the advice of health care professionals as to how to resume college sports if we can achieve an environment where COVID-19 rates are manageable. Today, sadly, the data point in the wrong direction. If there is to be college sports in the fall, we need to get a much better handle on the pandemic.https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/29475847/ncaa-issues-extended-guidelines-help-navigate-return-fall-sports-coronavirus-pandemic


    SEC Country is Trump Country.  If there is no college football this fall, I can see a lot of Trump apathy among a large part of his base.


  3. 1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    The Walmart announcement is going about as well as  you expect.  Funny thing; I suspect some of these die-hard Patriots only have a Walmart to choose from in their humble little communities.


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    Karen Clounch looks dreamy.

    • Haha 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Voldemort86 said:


    The orange baby is digging into his war chest now. Very deep into it. He’s including Ad buys in Minnesota, New Mexico, and Nevada. The orange baby also has a Nuremberg rally scheduled in New Hampshire this weekend.

    I view it as a sign of weakness. I think they’re trying to expand the map because they are doing so terribly in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

    at the same time, if you read the article, it concerns me a bit that Biden hasn’t fleshed out his campaign as much as trump. Biden needs to make ad reservations for the fall soon and get people on the ground in all these swing states that everyone except Trump thinks he’s leading in.

    I saw a Trump ad last night here in Dallas.  Something about how terrifying Biden's America would be. Ar first, it made me angry. Then I realized they were spending money in Texas, and it made me smile. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    A strange and consistent aspect of these white racists is there seeming certainty that they're just saying what everyone else is thinking. Conservatives have been that way for decades. They've heard Reagan and Rush. That's all they need; they've made up their minds because they've seen the truth.

    It's always the right winger who makes a loud political statement at a gathering with such extreme, unjustified confidence. They're so sure. The woman and other Tennessee yokels at the barricade clearly have the same confidence. 

    I mentioned in one of these threads that I had watched the James Baldwin William Buckley debate at Cambridge from 1965. Baldwin, first time I'd heard him, was brilliant and so illuminating about the place of the black person. Buckley spoke of how the American Dream was the way forward for blacks and the way would be paved by the basice decency of the American people.

    I see a rabble, a mob of hateful people devoid of decency. Decency is silly to these people who have been brainwashed with anger and fear. Add confidence in their righteousness to all of that, and you've got a dangerous simmering stew of malice.

    • Human beings act in a great variety of irrational ways, but all of them seem to be capable, if given a fair chance, of making a reasonable choice in the light of available evidence. Democratic institutions can be made to work only if all concerned do their best to impart knowledge and to encourage rationality. But today, in the world's most powerful democracy, the politicians and the propagandists prefer to make nonsense of democratic procedures by appealing almost exclusively to the ignorance and irrationality of the electors.  Aldous Huxley

  6. 51 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I keep forgetting to pick up a bottle of champagne to keep in the fridge, in the event that he dies. Think I'll grab one tomorrow. 

    Went to the fireworks stand today. Got a double supply, half for ther 4th and the other half for the moment the first network declares Biden the winner. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

    If he retires now, they'll try and ram home a Justice.  

    I agree.  But some R senators up for reelection might be uncomfortable with that. After the election is when the excrement will make contact with the rapidly rotating blades.

  8. 4 hours ago, Red Five said:

    So I guess Trump is just gonna pretend that Covid went away for the rest of his presidency? I'm kind of expecting him to start tweeting soon that the whole thing is a hoax and that there never was a virus. 

    In late January 2021 he will tweet about how poorly Sleepy Joe has handled the pandemic. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Voldemort86 said:

    This is pretty on point.

    the upcoming election isn’t just about getting rid of trump. It needs to be a resounding rebuke of the Republican Party. For years, those guys enabled trump, ignored his lies, and downplayed his craziness. 

    For the good of this country, we need to vote out or remove as many republicans from the political world as humanly possible.

    I first voted in the Nixon-McGovern election.  I have voted in every presidential election and almost every off-year election since then.  Never have I voted a straight ticket. I have voted for Republicans for trial and appellate courts, JPs, state House and Senate, Congress, etc.  I have always at least tried to educate myself a little on the candidates running for office.  Not this year, and likely for the foreseeable future.  I will vote for Dems and only Dems, and it barely matters what they actually stand for.  Ever single politician with the designation of "R" is complicit in the Trump Travesty.  They all need to go.  The only possible exception would be if John McCain rose from the dead. 

    • Like 9
  10. 26 minutes ago, Mango4 said:

    Expect South Dakota to become a COVID hotspot after Friday because our dumbass of a Governor said that social distancing will not be practiced when the occupant of the White House is at Mount Rushmore on Friday. I'm excited for my state to show how many dumbasses actually live here and I can't wait for them to give Trump a standing ovation after he claims he brought fireworks back to Mount Rushmore even though everyone in this state knows there hasn't been fireworks for 10 years due to the pine beetle infestation. But the citizens in this state will completely ignore that because Trump told them to . 

    Maybe it will look like this when he gets there. 



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  11. 2 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    He’s not actually doing the work as president, he just wants to play one on tv

    His entire personage is based on taking credit for anything good, blaming someone else for anything bad, denying knowledge of anything questionable, and diverting attention if he can't do any of those things.  His real slogan should be "Fake America Great Again. "

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, HenryJames said:

    Joe Biden is senile!

    One of the interesting things in the video is that one cop starts to bend down to help the guy, or check on him, and another cop pushes him along. "Keep moving. Nothing to see here. "

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