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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. I first voted in the Nixon-McGovern election. I have voted in every presidential election and almost every off-year election since then. Never have I voted a straight ticket. I have voted for Republicans for trial and appellate courts, JPs, state House and Senate, Congress, etc. I have always at least tried to educate myself a little on the candidates running for office. Not this year, and likely for the foreseeable future. I will vote for Dems and only Dems, and it barely matters what they actually stand for. Ever single politician with the designation of "R" is complicit in the Trump Travesty. They all need to go. The only possible exception would be if John McCain rose from the dead.
  2. Maybe it will look like this when he gets there.
  3. His entire personage is based on taking credit for anything good, blaming someone else for anything bad, denying knowledge of anything questionable, and diverting attention if he can't do any of those things. His real slogan should be "Fake America Great Again. "
  4. Yep. We need a very powerful NDA.
  5. By "internal polling" he means a poll of the people working for him.
  6. This is what covid-19 would look like if it were (almost) human.
  7. So, Trump's gotta be in "depends." Right?
  8. One of the interesting things in the video is that one cop starts to bend down to help the guy, or check on him, and another cop pushes him along. "Keep moving. Nothing to see here. "
  9. PINK PANTHER!!! Or is that Lady G?
  10. What could it possibly be?
  11. Disperse. The word you're looking for is"disperse." People are not disbursed. They are dispersed. And people legally and peacefully occupying a public space should never be dispersed by force, non-lethal or otherwise. What a high bar is now the norm: no one was killed so the dotard could have a photo op, so it's all good.
  12. So one man masquerading as a Christian makes fun of another man for masquerading as a black person. Got it.
  13. I would prefer that some senior senators step aside.
  14. Big action to follow. Just had his morning coffee.
  15. I think it would be a brilliant move for Biden to publicly announce be intends to pardon Trump after his inauguration.
  16. So they really think "Death Star" is what they want to roll with?
  17. There are all sorts of legal difficulties in actually postponing the election, but I fully expect the notion of postponement to be used as a voter suppression tool. Such as a campaign targeting minority voters telling them the election has been postponed.
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