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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. Remember last year when your coach left to go to a school that our coach left to come to Texas? I do.
  2. Which raises another question, if a license includes the right to exercise quality control. Can Texas prohibit any licensee (e.g. OUsucks and aggy) from marketing merchandise with the horns down?
  3. As other posters have pointed out, a trademark owner has to take reasonable action to protect against unauthorized use or the exclusive right to use may be lost. I don't think any of us care that some random high school chooses to use the most recognizable logo in collegiate athletics - in fact it should be considered a compliment. But most of us would care if the university lost the right to exclusive use, and all sorts of cheap and tawdry merchandise could legally be sold with the logo. Edit: Huckleberry beat me to it.
  4. About fifteen minutes ago I was able to get three, but not four. Section 1. In the virtual waiting room about 10 minutes or so.
  5. So, all of the in-state commitments are expected in town, in addition to all of the in-state commits. (Except for Demond Demas, who has family obligations.) But, all of the in-state commitments are expected. And so are the in-state commits. And all of that is in addition to all of the in-state commits.
  6. I have a cat that will have to be awake the next three years to get to 70%
  7. But did FSU really want to be there?
  8. If Ranger fans are aggy, like you say, they would claim the Astros' WS as their own.
  9. Don't confront me with my failures, I had not forgotten them.
  10. "Secessation"? What the hell is that? Aggy would not become secessated for another 85 years or so.
  11. Duke Carlisle. QB1 on first national championship team.
  12. So the idea that UM will go to USC is based entirely on this? If USC is secretly courting UM -- while they have an existing coach -- they are smarter than leaving that kind of paper trail. They would not use USC stationery. They would be in contact with his agent, not UM directly. The communications would be telephonic or electronic, not mail. And, if we buy the entire ridiculous premise that USC is sending written correspondence directly to UM, why in the high holy hell would they be corresponding, not only through the US mail, but by certified letters to boot? Fed Ex, UPS, DHL maybe, not the Postal Service. The rumor may have something to it, but not because Zacho the Wacko says he has an inside source at the post office.
  13. From another poster on secrant: "A&M is the guy who keeps getting invited to poker games and he thinks it’s because everyone likes him."
  14. Formal charges are not a prerequisite for a pardon.
  15. George Will called tariffs the "least conservative policy you can imagine. This is the government telling Americans what goods they can buy and at what prices."
  16. Credit where it's due: at least he said something truthful.
  17. Am I imagining it, or is his tie knotted in the shape of a longhorn?
  18. Horndog

    2019 NCAA Regionals

    Maybe Johnny Benches.
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