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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. Dumb question, but is the loyalty rank prioritized high to low, or low to high? In other words, is 1 the best or the worst?
  2. How about this one for Kansas next year?
  3. How about this one for Kansas next year?
  4. How about this one for Kansas next year?
  5. In their ten games this season, they were outscored 566 - 75. Scores included 70-6, 64-20, 63-0, 83-17, 69-0, and 59-2 (gotta be scorigami, right?)
  6. Too bad they were never able to recapture the glory of their 2013 season.
  7. After thinking about it, by using faulty logic. If there are an odd number of possessions, then one team has one more. But that is true for both halves, so the team kicking off could get the same number the first half, and one more the second. It just happened that in the last two losses, Texas had one less possession, and that may have been the deciding factor. I still think that given the offensive firepower in the Big 12 - or the lack of defense - the better option is to take the ball first.
  8. Not necessarily true. There is not always an even number of possessions per half. If it is an odd number, the team that gets the ball first gets one extra possession for that half. If a team gets the opening kickoff, it will get at least the same number of possessions in the game, and maybe one more. The team that kicks off the first half may get the same number of possessions, or it may get one less. Of course, this does not take into account odd situations like a fumbled return, a recovered onside kick, etc.
  9. It seems that the accepted coaching wisdom -- at least at Texas -- is to defer if you win the opening coin toss. I guess the theory is that it gives you the chance to have back-to-back possessions at the end of the first half and the start of the second. But each possession should have the same value, no matter when they happen, with the exception of limited-time possessions at the end of a half. If a team receives the opening kickoff, it is guaranteed an equal number of meaningful possessions during the game, and has a reasonable chance to get one more possession. By deferring, you are limiting yourself to an equal number of possessions at best. In games where the teams are relatively even, or where the teams both have good offenses, one extra possession may mean the difference in the game. If a team has a very good defense, it makes sense to defer because there is a good chance to force a punt and get good field position for your first drive. That doesn't really apply in the Big 12, and certainly not to Texas this year. Here are the opening drives for our games this year (without actually knowing who won the toss): TEAM WITH BALL FIRST RESULT 1. Maryland TD 2. Tulsa Int. 3. USC TD 4. TCU FG 5. Texas (K St. game) Punt 6. OU TD 7. Texas (Baylor game) FG 8. Ok. St. TD 9. WVa FG 10. Tx. Tech TD So, in ten games, Texas has kicked off in 8 of them, resulting in 41 points, with only one stop. Texas has received the kickoff in 2 games, resulting in 3 points. Ok. St. had 13 possessions to our 12 (excluding a drive of about a minute to end the firs half), and we lost by 3 points. In the WVa game, they had 10 possessions to our 9, again excluding possessions of a few seconds at the end of each half, and we lost by 1. This is magnified in the OU series. Here are the opening drives in the last 10 games: 2009- OU FG 2010- OU TD 2011- OU FG 2012- OU TD 2013- TX FG 2014- TX FG 2015- OU Punt 2016- OU Missed FG 2017- TX Punt 2018- OU TD OU has gotten the ball first 7 times; TX 3. On those drives, OU has scored 5 times with a missed FG and one punt, for a total of 26 points. (In 2012 the extra point was blocked.) TX has 2 FG's and a punt on its game-opening drives. Are we slightly reducing our chances of winning by deferring on the coin toss? We are almost always starting games behind after the opening drive. And it is a reasonable argument that the losses to Ok. St. and WVa are attributable to having one less possession.
  10. First person killed was the security guard. First responding policeman entering the building was also killed. Heard the police spokesman say that they have changed the way they handle these situations. SOP used to be to control and assess from outside before confronting the shooter. Current SOP is for law enforcement to charge into the attack zone.
  11. Put this in the sour grapes category, but whatever. Grier should have been called for taunting on the 2 point conversion. Here is the Rule (9-2-1a): "1. No player, substitute, coach or other person subject to the rules shall use abusive, threatening or obscene language or gestures, or engage in such acts that provoke ill will or are demeaning to an opponent, to game officials or to the image of the game, including but not limited to: (a) Pointing the finger(s), hand(s), arm(s) or ball at an opponent, or imitating the slashing of the throat. (b) Taunting, baiting or ridiculing an opponent verbally. (c) Inciting an opponent or spectators in any other way, such as simulating the firing of a weapon or placing a hand by the ear to request recognition. (d) Any delayed, excessive, prolonged or choreographed act by which a player (or players) attempts to focus attention upon himself (or themselves). (e) An unopposed ball carrier obviously altering stride as he approaches the opponent’s goal line or diving into the end zone. (f ) A player removing his helmet after the ball is dead and before he is in the team area (Exceptions: Team, media or injury timeouts; equipment adjustment; through play; between periods; and during a measurement for a first down). (g) Punching one’s own chest or crossing one’s arms in front of the chest while standing over a prone player. (h) Going into the stands to interact with spectators, or bowing at the waist after a good play. (i) Intentionally removing the helmet while the ball is alive. (j) Dead-ball contact fouls such as pushing, shoving, striking, etc. that occur clearly after the ball is dead and that are not part of the game action. (A.R. 9-2-1-X) (k) After the ball is dead, using forcible contact to push or pull an opponent off the pile. (A.R. 9-2-1-XI)" Example from the official NCAA interpretation: "Third and 15 at the B-20. Eligible A88 catches a pass at the B-18 and heads for the goal line. At the B-10 he goes into a “goose step” and continues this action as he crosses the goal line. RULING: Live-ball foul for unsportsmanlike conduct. Fifteen-yard penalty enforced at the spot of the foul, which is the B-10, and repeat third down. Third and 20 at the B-25." And here is Grier as he runs into the end zone, obviously altering his stride at the 2 yard line and raising the ball over his head. This should have been a 15 yard penalty, moving the ball back to the 17 yard line, meaning that WVa would have had to kick a 34 yard extra point to tie.
  12. The funny thing is, the Rule only applies to a "ball carrier." All players are prohibited from grabbing the inside back collar of the shoulder pads or jersey, the area, or the inside collar of the side of the shoulder pads or jersey, and immediately pulling the ball carrier down. Since Grier was not then a ball carrier, there is no horse collar.
  13. From the Rule: "This does not apply to a ball carrier, including a potential passer, who is inside the tackle box." I think the explanation was that since Grier had already thrown the pass before he was grabbed, he was not a "ball carrier" nor a "potential" passer. The refs apparently made a very literal interpretation of the Rule, meaning that if the player being tackled does not actually have the ball the exception does not apply. Not sayin' it's right, just sayin' that's what they did.
  14. And 9 of them are handoffs toZeke.
  15. Your shot is actually a split second after CJ's knee hit the ground. He fell forward a couple of feet. From this view, it looks like the ball may be just short of the 4 yard line. From your shot, his knee is on the ground just before the yellow first down line. From the shot below, you can tell that the ball is a few inches behind where his knee is hitting. Still, shocked they did not review this spot, since they spent about 5 minutes reviewing the next play. And, I dare anyone to point out exactly where Sam's helmet comes completely off, which is what is required for the play to be dead.
  16. Sorry to shift courses here, but a question about the early voting tally. I assume that those votes are already being counted, even if the results are not being released. Does anyone know how and when the early votes are counted? Is it possible actual voting numbers are being leaked to the campaigns?
  17. Let's try again, with corrections. While we now need help, it's still possible. With 3 games left, Texas can win out, or realistically lose 2 of 3. The only realistic CCG participants at this point are OU (5-1), WVU (5-1), Texas (4-2), and ISU (4-2). Here are the remaining schedules: Texas - @Tech, ISU, @Kansas OU - OSU, Kansas, @WVU WVU - TCU, @OSU, OU ISU - Baylor, @Texas, KSU Scenario 1: Texas wins out; OU and WVU win their next 2; OU beats WVU. OU (8-1) is first and Texas and WVU tie for 2nd (7-2). WVU wins tiebreaker head-to-head over Texas. OU v. WVU rematch for CCG. Scenario 2: Texas wins out; OU and WVU win their next 2; WVU beats OU. WVU (8-1) is first. Texas and OU tie for 2nd (7-2). Texas wins head-to-head. Texas v. OU WVU CCG. Scenario 3: Texas wins out; OU wins out; WVU loses to OU and one other. OU is first (8-1); Texas is 2nd (7-2). OU v. Texas in CCG. Scenario 4: Texas wins out; OU wins next 2 and loses to WVU; WVU loses one other game and beats OU. Three way tie at 7-2. Head-to-head is tied at 1-1 each eliminates OU. Next tiebreaker is record against 4th place team, likely ISU. WVU is eliminated. Texas and OU WVU in CCG. Since history tells us that nothing good ever happens when we need OU to lose, Scenario Scenario 3 may be the only one that might have a chance. So we need WVU to lose either to TCU or OSU. If Texas loses another game, ISU is the only team that might break into the CCG besides OU and WVU. If they win out (with a win over Texas) a win by OU over WVU probably puts ISU in the CCG because of their win over WVU.
  18. You're right. Tried to edit but too late. In #2, Texas v. WVU. In #4, Texas v. WVU. OU eliminated because 0-2 vs. others.
  19. While we now need help, it's still possible. With 3 games left, Texas can win out, or realistically lose 2 of 3. The only realistic CCG participants at this point are OU (5-1), WVU (5-1), Texas (4-2), and ISU (4-2). Here are the remaining schedules: Texas - @Tech, ISU, @Kansas OU - OSU, Kansas, @WVU WVU - TCU, @OSU, OU ISU - Baylor, @Texas, KSU Scenario 1: Texas wins out; OU and WVU win their next 2; OU beats WVU. OU (8-1) is first and Texas and WVU tie for 2nd (7-2). WVU wins tiebreaker head-to-head over Texas. #1OU v. #2WVU rematch for CCG. Scenario 2: Texas wins out; OU and WVU win their next 2; WVU beats OU. WVU (8-1) is first. Texas and OU tie for 2nd (7-2). Texas wins head-to-head. #2Texas v. #1WV CCG. Scenario 3: Texas wins out; OU wins out; WVU loses to OU and one other. OU is first (8-1); Texas is 2nd (7-2). #1OU v. #2Texas in CCG. Scenario 4: Texas wins out; OU wins next 2 and loses to WVU; WVU loses one other game and beats OU. OU has no head to head wins and is eliminated. #1WVU v. #2Texas Since history tells us that nothing good ever happens when we need OU to lose, Scenario Scenario 3 may be the only one that might have a chance. So we need WVU to lose either to TCU or OSU. If Texas loses another game, ISU is the only team that might break into the CCG besides OU and WVU. If they win out (with a win over Texas) a win by OU over WVU probably puts ISU in the CCG because of their win over WVU.
  20. Remember when Trump criticized Obama for not saying "Radical Muslim terrorist?" Why is DOTUS and the MSM now afraid to use the words "Radical right-wing terrorists?"
  21. "The first section of the fourteenth amendment of the constitution begins with the words, ‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.’ As appears upon the face of the amendment, as well as from the history of the times, this was not intended to impose any new restrictions upon citizenship, or to prevent any persons from becoming citizens by the fact of birth within the United States, who would thereby have become citizens according to the law existing before its adoption. It is declaratory in form, and enabling and extending in effect. Its main purpose doubtless was, as has been often recognized by this court, to establish the citizenship of free negroes, which had been denied in the opinion delivered by Chief Justice Taney in Scott v. Sandford (1857) 19 How. 393; and to put it beyond doubt that all blacks, as well as whites, born or naturalized within the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States." U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)
  22. Wrong. This was decided by SCOTUS 120 years ago. The clause "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" covers specific exceptions for (1) foreign diplomats stationed here and (2) occupying enemy forces who do not subject themselves to U.S. jurisdiction.
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