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Everything posted by Horndog

  1. "Lots of famous people have false charges against them." "Accusers are looking for fame and money." You mean like Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, Roger Ailes, Harvey Weinstein, Bill O'Reilly . . . you mean those false charges?
  2. Interesting first person story from a girl considered to be the high school slut. Helps to see it from the other side. "Being labeled a slut at 11 years old meant I spent the next seven years in school fending off advances and narrowly dodging being raped. Though I was hurt by those interactions, I never conceived of them as anything outside the range of normal. As far as I could tell, this was just the way boys behaved. That I never once felt like the adults in my life would take me seriously if I told them what was happening can be attributed to the “boys will be boys” attitudes that permeated my public schools, the elite private schools some of those boys attended and American culture writ large." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/brett-kavanaugh-yearbook-renate-alumnius_us_5baa8e31e4b0f143d10e2639
  3. Here's what a fellow conservative, NYT columnist Bret Stephens, had to say about Cruz: "I share your enthusiasm for the Texas Senate race, for a couple of small reasons and one very big one. Small reasons: I like Beto O’Rourke, the Democratic challenger, and I like the idea that Texas can turn a bit purple if you have a candidate with energy, wit and a human touch. "The big reason is that I despise Ted Cruz. That is “D-e-s-p-i-s-e,” in case I haven’t spelled out my loathing clearly enough. Would you like to know why? "Because he’s like a serpent covered in Vaseline. Because he treats the American people like two-bit suckers in 10-gallon hats. Because he sucks up to the guy who insulted his wife — by retweet, no less. Because of his phony piety and even phonier principles. Because I see him as the spiritual love child of the 1980s televangelist Jimmy Swaggart and Jack Nicholson’s character in “The Shining.” Because his ethics are purely situational. Because he makes Donald Trump look like a human being by comparison. Because “New York values.” Because his fellow politicians detest him, and that’s just among Republicans. Because he never got over being the smartest kid in eighth grade. Because he’s conniving enough to try to put one over you, but not perceptive enough to realize that you see right through him. Because he’s the type of man who would sell his family into slavery if that’s what it took to get elected. And that he would use said slavery as a sob story to get himself re-elected. Otherwise, you might say I’m his No. 1 fan." http://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/25/opinion/kavanaugh-rosenstein-blasey-ford.html
  4. Horndog


    Weird factoid of the week: In its preseason game-by-game prediction, the DMN had Texas as 3-1 at this point, with a loss to Maryland and wins over Tulsa, USC, and TCU. http://sportsday.dallasnews.com/college-sports/collegesports/2018/06/23/turning-corner-game-game-predictions-longhorns-2018-season FWIW, they predicted a win over KS and a loss to OU.
  5. Don't be too hard on them. Moral victories are important for a group with low morals and not many victories.
  6. Hopefully Cruz will find himself out of the Senate on November 7.
  7. Interesting to see what Senator Rafael's response will be to the Kavanaugh sexual assault accusation. 1. Youthful indiscretion . . . irrelevant years later when we know so much about his character . . . a man should not be judged by his worst moment . . . yada yada. Which would be very ironic in light of his attack ads about Beto's DWI arrest 20+ years ago. 2. The accusation comes too late to delay the vote . . . Dems should have brought this up earlier . . . yada yada. You know, because the timing is much more important than the possible substance of the allegation and the very real possibility that a lifetime SCOTUS appointment will go to a man with a sexual assault in his background. 3. It doesn't matter if it's true . . . I'm voting for him anyway . . . true conservative and constitutional scholar . . . yada yada. Because adherence to conservative "principles" is much more important that actual character and integrity -- with the risk that he further infuriates women voters who may view sexual assault a bit differently. 4. Crickets. At least until he sees which way the wind is blowing. I'm guessing crickets.
  8. I'm a moderate drinker, but I've had my moments of excess. In my early 20's there were a couple of occasions where people described events that had happened the night before that I had absolutely no recollection of, including behavior completely out of character for me. (Thankfully, none involved sexual assault.) I would not have believed the accounts except for the fact they came from people I trusted and with no motive to fabricate. It is entirely possible that Kavanaugh simply has no recall of this event -- especially since he was not confronted about it at the time -- and does not think he is capable of sexual assault. But the accuser is much more likely to have specific recall of such a traumatic event, especially if she had not had much to drink. The fact that she brought this up in therapy years ago is proof she is not making something up now. She knew when she came forward what a hell her life would like be for years to come. The bottom line is that they both might be telling the "truth" as they perceive it. But I believe her. It happened. Kavanaugh may truly not remember it. Or he may remember it differently (it was just horseplay; I stopped when she said "no"; she was coming on to me; whatever). Or he may remember it as it actually happened. But he is now in too deep for anything other than total denial of anything happening at all.
  9. Then why not use envelopes printed "Cruz Campaign Contribution Request" rather than "Official Travis County Summons"?
  10. I'm hoping that there is some sort of Bradley Effect at work. It has been argued that the "hidden Trump supporters" -- those who intended to vote for Trump but would not say so publicly -- skewed the polls in 2016. http://ideas.repec.org/a/bpj/statpp/v8y2017i1p41-63n5.html Maybe the opposite is going on here: people intending to vote for Beto but unwilling to say that out loud and open themselves up to ridicule from their Republican friends and neighbors.
  11. http://www.stanforddaily.com/2016/04/28/john-boehner-talks-election-time-in-office/
  12. “new narrative” that Trump is crazy because there’s no evidence of Russia collusion. Why not both?
  13. McRaven for President? I'm good with that. Imagine Trump and McRaven in a debate. "Mr. President, with all due respect, while you were scheming to muzzle porn stars and other assorted hoes, I was busy ferreting out Osama Bin Laden." https://www.businessinsider.com/seal-william-mcraven-who-slammed-trump-eyed-for-spot-on-2020-ticket-2018-8
  14. I dunno. The thought of these two on stage together, where the contrast is so stark, makes me think about the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon debates. Cruz would look like an even bigger sniveling, snot-spewing, fetid, odious wretch of a human being replica than he actually is.
  15. Yep. They are ruing the fact they didn't handle this yesterday, with an announcement and presser at, say 4:00 CDT.
  16. Maybe one of the Federal Savings Bank loan fraud counts ? From reports, the CEO seemed hell bent on giving Manafort anything he wanted regardless of his ability to repay. After all, the opportunity to become the Ambassador to England doesn't roll around every day.
  17. One lawyer with the same last name at a Dallas firm has a bio that shows him as a UT grad 1983, which would be about right for a college-age son. The bio also shows him as being a Texas Cowboy. Don't want to post the name in case it's the wrong guy. The video will tell all. If it's as being described, he should be a goner.
  18. Visitor's list? Only one visitor? Now I am sad.
  19. 1. The fourth down measurement, mentioned by other posters. The raucous yells from USC fans when they set the marker down short of the ball, followed by the even louder cheers from the Texas fans when they actually stretched out the chain. Fastest momentum swing ever. 2. Right after the final play, when pandemonium was breaking loose, the main scoreboard briefly flashed "CONGRATULATIONS USC - NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!"
  20. "When you ain't got nothin' you got nothin' to lose." Bob Dylan, Recipient of Nobel Prize for Literature
  21. Just for grins, I looked up all aggy conference records in the big three sports since their 100 year decision (2012/13 - 2017/18), and compared with their Big 12 records for the corresponding period (2006/7 - 2011/12). This is only regular season conference records and does not include conference tournaments or other post-season results. Here are the totals: SEC - football 25-23 (52%), basketball 56-52 (52%), baseball 94-83 (53%), all 3 sports combined 175-158 (53%) Big 12 - football 24-25 (49%), basketball 55-43 (56%), baseball 95-62-1 (60%), all 3 sports combined 174-130-1 (57%) "Next year" will likely bring more of the same.
  22. Maybe so, but it wouldn't hurt.
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