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  1. Sorry for your loss, Brisket. Some of the sweetest memories I have of my dad are times when we would go fishing. Hang in there, man.
  2. Canada is above CA on the map, and water flows from higher points to lower point. That's his understanding of the problem.
  3. Same for Streetlife Serenade too, imo.
  4. ^ I've never read a lot of King, but got interested after hearing some interviews on NYT book review audio. Started with some shorter works. Have liked From a Buick 8, The Long Walk, Under the Dome, and Duma Key. The character development of Holly is great. In addition to If It Bleeds, I enjoyed the other two with her as a primary character, The Outsider (2018) and Holly.
  5. I think a quick 'this is not a serious candidate and he won't even answer the questions posed to him' will be enough to rattle him a bit. Then go on to her answer.
  6. I doubt any of her teammates in Tokyo wanted her throwing herself 10-12' in the air doing multiple somersaults/twists while also being disoriented while she's in mid-air. Doubt that they felt betrayed.
  7. ~1 in 20 American adults (16 million) own at least one AR-15 (Wash Post estimate). That's all you need to know really.
  8. Massive failure on the part of the Dems not to have kept the fascism vs democracy angle on the front burner for all of 2024. You obviously can't do it for four years because most people don't want to think about it all the time. But they have to be able to speak persuasively to voters in the next four months. I'm not sure any Democrat can win if they don't.
  9. Peacock. https://www.pgatour.com/watch/coverage
  10. He, Durning, and Pollack were all so good in that. I like putting that movie on as background and just listening to the dialogue. RIP.
  11. I liked that character as a kid. I wonder how many people remember that series. I was thinking it ran for more than 1 season, but wiki says it only got 5 episodes after his introduction on the two-hour Rockford episode.
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