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Everything posted by retread

  1. SIAP. Just another day of fantasizing about shutting down elections and 3rd terms.
  2. Or a nice little bonus check in the mail at Christmas. Either way.
  3. That feeling when you get roped into 4 years as president over what was supposed to be a publicity stunt. What a country!
  4. China used to buy a lot.
  5. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29380/evidence-grows-that-russians-nuclear-powered-doomsday-missile-was-what-blew-up-last-week
  6. So you're laying the spiders off until spring? Spiders just trying to make a living!
  7. Wasn't Emoroid pouring all his time into an aluminum grill (cooking) grates startup?
  8. Guess we'll have to be happy with the trickle down from the tax cuts until the Chinese start paying us more in tariffs. /s
  9. He's quickly moving up the rankings of the most evil Rs in this administration. I would put Turtle at 1. Trump is maybe top 10. An empty suit through which the rest of the Rs can carry out their sadistic fantasies.
  10. First, you make a roux.
  11. Like any of this stuff, I'm talking about in a normal world kind of way. Obviously, everyone is corrupt as hell, and the Rs will just say the right words to keep their base in line. For those of us paying attention, it seems very transparent why the Cover-up General came out and said some words about being shocked at Epstein's death.
  12. In a couple of months ... "I really think the President has had a change of heart. I like what I'm seeing, and I think he's growing into this job." - Mooch
  13. Better ratings for the Cheeto Show.
  14. Anyone else think it's odd that Barr would even comment on this? I mean, I know it's a very high profile case, and Epstein has ties to two presidents. Maybe it's just the Comey effect where he feels like he has to say something? When I see him step to the podium, my first thought is that he's there to cover something up. That's been his assholish, dissembling MO since he was named AG.
  15. retread


  16. You follow this much more closely than I do. I thought it was really interesting how his rating had climbed so fast. This was the article that I remembered reading. https://www.chess.com/news/view/igors-rausis-58-under-investigation-of-cheating
  17. It's so bizarre how the R voters constantly cite conservatism, but there's very little conservative about the current R party. They would cite pro-2A and pro-life as being core conservative principles. Mom wants tough on borders and rule of law, and you know she's thinking Ds are 'open borders' in the back of her mind. The rule of law is being taken apart by this administration, so I'm not sure why she would give the Rs credit for this.
  18. Bringing an orphaned baby back to the hospital to use as a prop. You own this Rs.
  19. We're workin' real hard on some very, very tough background checks. Just waiting for the ok from Wayne.
  20. I think it was posted upthread, but he was also playing somewhat average players (by his standards or by his software's standards) in order to game the system and bump up his rating. I think they had had their eye on him for awhile.
  21. It's like with the Russiar thing. You'll never find an email or voice mail from Trump to Manafort/Stone/etc telling them to do shady shit. It's just understood that this needs to be done, or else it's communicated down the org chart like the mob family that the Rs have become.
  22. FIFP
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