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Everything posted by retread

  1. I hope you're right about things not being normalized yet, but I'm doubtful. As others have stated before, the rule of law depends on all (or most) members of a society agreeing upon a set of norms and standards. Once that's broken, how do you go back in time? We don't seem to currently have such an agreement as members of the USA. There are numerous examples of the rule of law being thwarted. Even if Trump and McConnell were to leave tomorrow, there will be people to replace them and carry on their examples of lawlessness.
  2. Just think of all the things that have now been normalized. Russian interference in elections, obstruction, firing FBI directors to obstruct, AG as president's personal henchman, attacking sitting Reps from the bully pulpit, calling black reps racist, laughing at black reps getting burglarized, calling African countries shitholes, refusing to call out domestic terrorism, stoking white nationalism by dissembling and lying about immigrants, stoking fear about MS-13 gangs and Mexicans raping women in the backs of cars, etc.
  3. Agreed. But this is the dance we do for every crisis. Rs go on TV and repeat the talking points. Then gun legislation sits in McConnell's inbox and collects dust.
  4. If you call out white nationalist terrorism, you don't get to road trip to Iraq/Afghanistan. It's just not the same.
  5. To call him human debris would be an insult to human debris.
  6. Trumpkins today: "It's really a shame how misguided some young people are. There's so much garbage on the internet. My grandson plays video games 5 or 6 hours a day. All of that has an effect on young minds. I hope we'll do more to help people having mental problems!"
  7. GOP/Rs checking all the red herring boxes.
  8. We're normalizing so many bad thoughts and actions. Not that it will change many minds, but I hope that reps will do some town halls in August so people can voice their disapproval.
  9. ^ In a normal world, having D and R talking heads on a show is generally good. At this point, the R gas bags just spout propaganda.
  10. It's the same as healthcare (like in that @Schooley tweet that you posted). Every time a crisis comes up, they mumble empty, meaningless platitudes repeated over and over. The R voters eat it up, and the Rs do exactly the opposite of what they claim they want to do. It's like groundhog day.
  11. Come on asteroid. We had a good run. An instrument of the govt has to say this out loud.
  12. ^ Until the Ds in DC are willing to make lifetime enemies by standing up for what's right, it will not end. Until they're willing to go out there every day and spell out the evil that is the R party, it won't end.
  13. This is a FoxNews Alert!
  14. Amazing
  15. Lindsey's on Twitter with the mental health and 'threat to themselves' angle.
  16. So how many White Nationalist red herrings have we checked off so far? Mental illness Pure evil (Romney) More guns so we can defend ourselves against mass shootings Video games (Fox) What else?
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