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Everything posted by retread

  1. I was a great tomato! I was a stand up tomato.
  2. What kind of hassles were you worried about? Just curious. fwiw, I've seen the overqualified person come into a company and spend all his time talking about how they did it at his previous stops. Were you concerned that they would make up their own rules, or that they would spend all their time in the boss's office lobbying for changes?
  3. Moar https://i.ibb.co/RcT02Sz/image.png Higher res https://i.ibb.co/kMVtTW7/image.png
  4. McKinzie Video (same as gif) https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.2886-16/243330020_103717112055243_8779508482665245042_n.mp4?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=-HVwArsQ5nYAX_DPq4Q&edm=AABBvjUBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oe=6171BD0F&oh=3194344fd0c0658b9a69f894ae755682&_nc_sid=83d603 IG https://www.instagram.com/mckinzieroth/?hl=en
  5. https://people.com/politics/hope-hicks-dating-rob-porter-corey-lewandowski/
  6. I felt like I was right there listening to Jay Jonas and Joe Pfeifer tell their stories. I remember that day like it was yesterday, but it also feels like a lifetime ago. Loved the lady that had the misfortune to get hit by the landing gear. Stripped off one side of her back. She had such a good attitude in the hospital. The (then) young paramedic who helped her, talking about later wanting to drive off the bridge on the way to work. Tough to watch.
  7. Can his physician write a note to explain why he's immunocompromised or otherwise in need of the shot?
  8. Shows up for me on Chrome/laptop.
  9. retread

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    Love the story of how Sweet Home Alabama was conceived. King/Rossington noodling around, and Ronnie goes down to the crick and comes up with the lyrics. 21:00 mark
  10. retread

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    It's right up there for me too. I got a speeding ticket driving to work 20 years ago with it blaring and the windows down. Worth it.
  11. Kraftwerk co-founder Florian Schneider has died aged 73 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gChOifUJZMc
  12. Watched most of S3 and 4 on AMC last couple of weekends. 3 is sooo good.
  13. Feels like a parlor game played in Punxsutawney on Feb 2 and then used in Iowa to pick a nominee on Feb 3.
  14. Some men are Baptists, others Catholics. My father was an Oldsmobile man.
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