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Everything posted by retread

  1. You gotta respect Sanford for playing 4-D chess and trying to squeeze/grift some more blood out of the RushFoxHannity turnip. Everybody else is irresponsible. I will restore fiscal sanity.
  2. The four ladies in the Squad (and others) have a lot of potential to be a foundation for turning things around.
  3. I have no idea what she spends her money on, but I would think Trump's actions and words make things more expensive for Ds in Congress. From security to hiring extra staff just to fact check the BS that he flings against the wall. $$$ to travel to the the border to try to conduct oversight of the concentration camps. Not to mention time and money just to do the job to which you were elected.
  4. Cyborg's daughter: something something something Socialist libs something something our way of life Trumpkins: ☣️ oh noes!
  5. If America survives Trump, there is an election coming soon where a LOT of old, male, white Rs will be sent packing. Maybe not '20 or '22, but it's coming.
  6. The R party has shown that it doesn't care about any of the conservative principles that they've touted for 30 years. They are certainly enjoying the dividends that the hate engine has paid and is continuing to pay. No D idea is worth considering. There is no working across the aisle in Trumpworld. The R gatekeeper in the Senate won't even take up many D bills passed by the House, and the Trumpkins are just fine with that. The D legislation is probably just lib garbage focused on Socialist environmentalism, feminism, govt healthcare, etc. Rush has warned us about this for 30 years. A lot of the libs on this site are disaffected Rs who grew up during Reagan/Bush. Many of us probably have disagreements with D policy. However, it doesn't have to be a binary choice as RushFox always portray it. AOC and others are for the Green New Deal. Okay. Let's talk about that in hearings. Let's hear what members of Congress have to say about that. Let's allow voters to contact their reps and voice their opinions. Let's pass some bills and vote on them. Nope. Evil Libs only have bad intentions. We have a functioning healthcare law that ensures that millions of Americans have access. As a R, you have problems with it? Okay. Let's discuss it via hearings/bills/conference committees/votes. No? You don't want to fix its inadequacies with legislation? You decide you'll tear it apart with death by 1000 cuts via EO. Cool.
  7. Totally stable and not authoritarian.
  8. The worst part is the average Trumpkin now believes that some/all of The Squad was born in another country. Ted Cruz holla.
  9. My favorite part of yesterday was Fox railing on Omar for her profane speech at the press conference. She was quoting the Orange Pustule.
  10. World tuned upside down. DOTUS obstructs justice, believes Putin over our IC, tries to wrest the power of the purse from Congress, declares meaningless Nat'l Emergencies, defies oversight, etc. And it's the Ds disrespecting the office.
  11. It's so true. Small govt, lower taxes, trickle down, bootstrappin' your way to the top, repeal ACA & replace with better plan, get tough with aspiring nuke countries, land of opportunity. Full of shit on all counts, but they know they'll get those red votes if they repeat those words over and over.
  12. Yep. Either that day or the day that he fired Comey b/c of that Russiar thing.
  13. One of the most frustrating things to me is that none of these problems are intractable. Immigration, health care, managing a budget, taxation, etc. We just don't know how to solve problems anymore. Or maybe the powers that be don't want to solve them.
  14. She's the D voodoo doll for Trump and his supporters in which they can stick pins. It's like Build the Wall. He could use Lock Her Up for the next 4 elections, and the Trumpkins would drink that kool-aid. Calling the D nominee a Socialist a few thousand times will be the cherry on top of his campaign.
  15. Fun to think about the quaint old days of election shenanigans involving Gary Hart and affairs, Dukakis in a tank, Ross Perot, and read my lips. We've come a long way baby.
  16. But @randpaul said they were going to shrink govt and end wars and not spend hundreds of millions of $$$ on golf outings at Trump properties?
  17. Seriously, fuck Jeff Flake for caving on BK. Same for Collins.
  18. Hillary is eminently hateable by the Rs thanks to 3 decades of talk radio and Fox. However, a big part of that indoctrination has been demonizing anything librul. Calling the D nominee a Socialist a few thousand times will make many undecideds pull the lever for Trump.
  19. Also, the Rs will not be playing by the rules at all. Voter suppression, inadequate voting machines, Russian help for the second time, demagoguery on social media, etc. It will be out of control.
  20. Treble hooks ordeal sounds incredibly painful. Your son is a trooper. Glad he's ok. Subscribed.
  21. The RushFox propaganda campaign of the last 3 decades did spend a lot of time on the Clintons, but the devil was the Libruls. Every one of these little grenades lets DOTUS test the waters. Declare national emergency over nothing? ✓ Obstruct justice with no consequences? ✓ Lock her up chants? ✓ Immigrants are violent criminals who will destroy our way of life? ✓ Potential for war with Iran? ✓ Use inflammatory rhetoric to call sitting Congress member America haters and Alcaida supporters? ✓ Send the AG out repeatedly to lie for you? ✓ Utterly and completely defy Congress' efforts at oversight? ✓
  22. Regardless of who the D nominee is, Cheeto will get a ton of mileage out of using Socialism/Communism. Those words alone will buy him some undecideds.
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