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Everything posted by retread

  1. Others that I liked: Wings Northern Exposure (not comedy) Rockford Files
  2. For my taste MTM>Newhart, but they're both great. Lots of great characters in both. CBS on Sat night was murderers' row in mid 70s.
  3. Not bad. You say this is your first Iesson? Yes, but my father was a piano mover, so....
  4. He and Turtle are racing up the list of worst people in this administration.
  5. Check your mirrors. Side of your eye. Side of your eye.
  6. Balt/Wash Int'l Airport is a little over an hour from Camp David per google.
  7. Screw this traitor for taking Putin's side against President Obama and our IC.
  8. It's so Republican. Even the less horrible choice admits to racist comments. nukeit-itstheonlywaytobesure.gif
  9. Chinese hackers already booking their rooms at Doral.
  10. Who do you think will face repercussions for the tragedies? People at the top probably skate. Maybe middle management that had the final signoff on the report that documented all the changes? As they ran simulations during design work, engineers changed the amount of authority that MCAS has, but many people didn't even know about that until after the crashes.
  11. Hey, is your troop gonna be selling cookies again this year?
  12. I'm not going to live by their rules anymore.
  13. I would love to hear the Ds go hard in the paint on this fact in the debates and in '20.
  14. She got her dad's f'd up fake smile.
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