Yes to arms. Don’t know about any standoff or confrontation on trying to keep SPD out. “On the ground Thursday, the scene was a mix of demonstration and street fair, The Post reported. The John Brown Gun Club, which provides armed community defense during social justice events, was on site but with no weapons visible. One person, who was not a member of the club, was seen with a long gun; while Washington is an open-carry state, Durkan has banned weapons in the city since a May 30 emergency order.” Oh no doubt brain is fully off and popcorns out watching this part of the 2020 simulation as I WFH. But at the risk of engaging you, the comparisons are there for all see. Group seizing public property. Group denouncing the authority of LEO. Group declaring first amendment protest. That PD precinct and streets and lawn they’re growing their vegetables in doesn’t belong exclusively to the CHAZians, just as federal grazing lands and the wildlife refuge didn’t belong exclusively to the Bundys. Are you not entertained? .gif