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Llano Estacado

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Everything posted by Llano Estacado

  1. Happy to, but she may be confused if she gets a DM that says, “darlin, review the HOA bylaws on xeriscaping...yes, I’m fucking serious”
  2. Best action in the village. Probably all of lower Manhattan.
  3. Just spent all afternoon top dressing peat and compost hoping it knocks out the fungus funk I’ve chased all around for 3 years and helps the front green up to “2nd worst on the block” Came in and immediately told the wife to review the HOA documents on xeriscape rules.
  4. I spent all afternoon top dressing the lawn, and digging holes in clay for roses that will die in a couple months. It sucked ass. My back is already sore. Thank God I didn’t have to watch game 3.
  5. Yeah, Chavez did amazing things with PDVSA. Envy of the world.
  6. Toes are too long, would not bang. Also, obviously using the reality stone, as there is too much power coursing through the infinity stone gauntlet at any given time to not instantly destroy a thin walled plastic cup.
  7. Why I stopped drinking it. To many other options In. The. World, imo
  8. Krueger, you couldn’t smooth a silk sheet if you has a hot date with a babe...I lost my train of thought.
  9. Yep. I loathe when the 2nd or 3rd place contestant finds a DJ late and doesnt wager enough to be prevent the runaway victory.
  10. That realism post should have been in Hank Scorpio font. Tongue was firmly in check. It’s an epic TV drama set in a fantasy world. A wide audience tunes in. Some for dragons and magic. Some for character development and drama. Some for flaming swords and head crushing. But at the end it’s all a story we’re watching for entertainment. I like some of all of it. I fully expect some angry tweets and posts after these last episodes about main characters “teleporting” across Westeros. There’s not enough time left to have more character development dialogue on boats and marches. Hence, Theon saying “alright you’re free now sister and a supporting character needs a redemption arc in winterfell.” Wormhole opens. Theons in the North some unknown days later “Okay I’m ready to die for the Starks and mankind now at the same location I was a turncoat”. D&D lose 2 minutes of run time, but they gave the audience closer.
  11. Also, eventually I need to change my avatar because I haven’t had lovestreet in forever. Wish it wasn’t centered in that pic. It was my go to for a long time, local, easy to drink, available just about everywhere. Maybe I can replace it with ButterCreamBlueberryCrepe the new yankee candle / buffalo calibration.
  12. This. I’m never going to pickup the 1980 or Ridgeback at the store, but if some friends want to meet up and let the kiddos burn off some energy on Saturday afternoon I’m always game.
  13. 1.5 miles down 90 from No Label. Catering to those Katy football super seniors.
  14. Yes sir. 1)Prove you aren’t skynet test. 2)Engineers - we should feed this test to skynet to improve AI. 3)Prove you aren’t a more powerful skynet. 4)Engineers - we should feed this test to more powerful skynet. 5)Collect underpants ? Death by skynet.
  15. Episode 4 & 5 will just be armies on the march. Setting camp. Chitchat on the road. Breaking camp. Cooking. Shitting in the woods on the side of the King’s Road. Need to keep the “I want realism” fans happy. If we don’t see people traveling on screen in real time... That’s where we’ll see Bronn next, when a scout stumbles upon Bronn shitting behind a tree.
  16. Fuck Cancer. Double fuck childhood cancer. Terrifying. I don’t want to exit this ride early, but can’t fathom one of my kids or nieces or nephew being diagnosed.
  17. Eh, it’s not really a new strategy. You see it in the TOC. The fact that the bottom row is 5X the value of row 1 has been known since the first board was presented in S1E1. The fact that the real prize is properly wagering on double jeopardy squares and FJ is where the show got its title. We’ve seen the hunter and peckers trying to find DJ squares for years. We’ve seen some bottom up players over the years. The Final wager has documented how poorly some otherwise quality players utilize game theory on DJ and FJ for years. There are not many people who can put together great strategy, great trivial knowledge, great buzzer time, and great wagering. That’s what makes them great champs.
  18. As CDC & ADept should. Thanks. I was just curious. I would think UT or college baseball in general wouldn’t see as many bandwagon fans. Families wanting a single Sunday conference game or season tix are going to do so whether last seasons team made it to Omaha or not. People enjoy it because a day/evening in the park are fun (assuming your team BA is above the Mendoza line and can locate a fastball 2/3rd of your pitches). Obviously, CDC is busting his ass marketing and making games a great experience. It’d be hard to analyze their improvements versus increased fan interest from the previous years success. Especially difficult this year with in season changes between Stanford, LSU, BU wheels-off.
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