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Llano Estacado

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Everything posted by Llano Estacado

  1. If the economics work for robots consumers will pay more for humans or quit buying fast food. Economics of robots won’t work in some places, because reasons. Nevermind it won’t be cheaper, the economics won’t work. (Assuming $7 not $15 min wage) You’re usually pretty coherent, but what’s your actual position here, Jimmy?
  2. Do you have any data points for altruistic humans overriding capitalism? I’ve heard lots of arguments for raising the min wage, but consumers won’t support automation/robots over more expensive humans is a new one. Do you still head down to the pharmacy for the fountain jerk to mix your Dr Pepper? When they released Flippy at $100k he couldn’t keep up with demand. V2.0 is supposed to be doing better. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2018/05/28/hamburger-making-robot-flippy-back-serving-300-burgers-day/649370002/ Spyce (automated woks) raised $21M in series A to start franchising. https://www.americaninno.com/boston/bostinno-bytes/mit-born-spyce-raises-21m-series-a-to-open-new-robotic-restaurants/
  3. I can’t carry a pen; I’m afraid I’ll puncture my scrotum.
  4. Charlie Rich flaming envelope . Gif
  5. Made me think of Ned Flanders, ya weirdo.
  6. Negged. I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
  7. Go Honda or Briggs and Stratton and you’ll retire before he does.
  8. Listened to NLU Speith on Friday. Played well this weekend. + Augusta magic. Not enchubbened yet, but the thought is there in the back of my head.
  9. How else are you going to disrupt the paradigm? Value added to shifting the noun/verb market place. Huddle for a scrum with stakeholders for road mapping and parking lot alignment.
  10. Conflicted. He says the Brazos still runs muddy like she's run all along. There's never been no cane to grind and the cotton's all but gone. Or..
  11. More meteorological hot takes with Llano at 10:12, following the breaking news.
  12. Why no tortilla throwing? Is that tradition dead? Need the thousands of tortillas to both spike the economy and act as a good base to start the couch fires.
  13. Yep radar looks wide open in about 30 mins. Complete game W, and taking the series would help a ton.
  14. Count me in the Anastasis, American Swindle, Man in Black group on this issue. Have a nice Sunday. All politicians lie //lock thread. All politicians lie, but I’m more cool with some lies than others, cause Goooooooo Team!!! //double lock thread.
  15. Negged for not using appropriate gif
  16. Very surprising since the one constant for as a club is we’ve been hitting lights out on the road and at home all season.
  17. They actually start play? In Leon Cnty and it’s been nuts all afternoon. Lightening, rain, pea sized hail.
  18. (Pricing may vary by location...looking at you Corpus)
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