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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Gil Bang last won the day on March 22 2019

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26435 Surly 1%

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  1. Yeah...that's what I'm thinking about right now.
  2. an hour away from me, but I really want a Tele for my next purchase.
  3. A Tufnel and St. Hubbens sighting.
  4. Goddammit. Seeing Taylor Hawkins is such a kick in the nuts. I miss that guy that i never met.
  5. Hard Days Night, the Song remains the same, Tommy, a Hendrix deal, etc. On the app now.
  6. please indulge me a vent...my former co-worker that retired to Italy (with a view of Lago Trasimeno) passed away today. the GF and I visited he and his wife there in '18. Beautiful home in a fantastic area. We were both independent contractors/expert witnesses in the construction defect world. We met on a site, figured out that we lived close to one another, and became carpool buddies on almost every site visit. I'm drinking a Peroni tonight, thinking about old Don Waller. Great guy, and I'll miss him.
  7. Gil Bang


    Nail Angelina in her prime, and you'll be changed forever.
  8. (for those unaware, all of these were borrowed from Norm's)
  9. are there any Nigel Tufnel appearances?
  10. Oh yeah...I'm sure Tesla did a "thorough investigation" aka Elon read some tweets. Imagine the crime scene...FBI, Vegas Metro, and ATF working the scene, and the Tesla cops show up, flash their ID's, and say "whattya got". That's just not a plausible scenario until after the inauguration.
  11. In all fairness, our TOP in the beginning was fucked due to a very quick offensive score followed by a punt return for 6.
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