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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gil Bang

  1. you're the asshole that went all political on a fucking TV thread. Go fuck yourself.
  2. wait 'till you see the episode about the "tort reform" governor in the wheelchair with millions in the bank from his lawsuit. That one's a hoot!
  3. 853 OKG motherfuckers. Angel Martin is one of the best TV characters ever.
  4. I wear a size 14. My shoes didn't fit in the little cubbies, and I looked like a fucking asshole wearing those stupid tiny slippers to the loo.
  5. oh, I think it's clear that Mick is the greatest frontman ever. Who's better?
  6. Apache went down in WA yesterday. Both crew in the hospital, but at least they survived.
  7. the conductor does 95% of his work during rehearsals. And individual musicians cannot hear anything more than the asshole next to him. The conductor holds it all together. In a small combo, the "rhythm section" (bass and drummer) are the conductors.
  8. unfortunately, weather looks shitty this weekend.
  9. Agree on the guidebook. We had an actual Tokyo resident showing us the ropes, and it really helped.
  10. from last year: https://nypost.com/2023/01/23/donald-trump-claims-victory-in-club-tournament-despite-missing-first-round/ Donald Trump claimed credit for a club championship despite reportedly not competing in the tournament in the same time parameters as everyone else. Trump, the 45th president of the United States, claimed victory in the Senior Club championship at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach over the weekend. “A great honor to have won the Senior Club championship at Trump International Golf Club, one of the best courses in the Country, in Palm Beach, Florida,” the former president wrote on his social media platform Truth Social. “Competed against many fine golfers, and was hitting the ball long and straight. The reason that I announce this on fabulous TRUTH is that, in a very real way, it serves as a physical exam, only MUCH tougher. You need strength and stamina to WIN, & I have strength & stamina – most others don’t. You also need strength & stamina to GOVERN!” Nevertheless, the Daily Mail reports that Trump did not compete in the tournament at the same time as everyone else. While the tournament was slated for Saturday and Sunday, Trump was attending the North Carolina funeral for the vlogger Diamond. However, according to the report, “competitors arriving for day two of the contest on Sunday morning were surprised (although not exactly shocked) to see his name at the top of the leaderboard with a five-point lead over the overnight leader.” The outlet explained that Trump shot a stellar round on Thursday. Trump counted this round, which was a score of 40 using the Stableford method, which gives one point for a bogey, two for par and three for a birdie. This score was five points better than the top mark from Saturday’s round. A Trump spokesperson did not immediately respond to Daily Mail’s request for comment. Trump has long faced allegations of bending the rules on the golf course. “To say ‘Donald Trump cheats’ is like saying ‘Michael Phelps swims,’” longtime sportswriter Rick Reilly wrote in the book “Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump”, which came out in 2019. “He cheats at the highest level. He cheats when people are watching and he cheats when they aren’t. He cheats whether you like it or not. He cheats because that’s how he plays golf … if you’re playing golf with him, he’s going to cheat.”
  11. oh shit this is funny. Cop show, set in Australia, with two female cops, in a small village full of lesbians, working a serial killer case. I'm on Ep. 4 and I've laughed my ass of the whole way.
  12. Benny Goodman only sounded good because of Charlie Fucking Christian being back there.
  13. "Yellowstone" star Forrie J. Smith took to Instagram on Saturday to say he was "kicked off" a flight and left stranded in Houston after refusing to sit next to another passenger wearing a mask. "I just got kicked off a plane," Smith said. "Because I told them I didn't feel comfortable sitting next to somebody with a mask on." “I’ve been sitting in an airport for three hours. Ya, I'm drinking," Smith, who plays Lloyd Pierce on the hit Western series, continued. "I ain't drunk, but they throw me off the plane because I'm drunk, because you people won't stand up and tell everybody what bulls--t this is.” "I just told them I didn't feel comfortable about sitting next to somebody that had to wear a mask, and I'm off the plane," Smith reiterated before the video ended. In the comments, people asked why Smith cared if another person was wearing a mask. Many suggested instances where masking would be appropriate for protecting their health and others. It's unclear what airline Smith was traveling on. His representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Smith has previously been vocal about his public health beliefs. He skipped the Screen Actors Guild Awards in 2022 due to Covid vaccination requirements. "I’m not vaccinated, I will not get vaccinated,” Smith said in a now deleted Instagram video. "I believe they compromise your immunities … It’s no offense to anyone. It’s just my beliefs. I just don’t believe in that stuff."
  14. Was that Richard Christie’s band?
  15. I think I've told this here before, but... The GF is divorced, but stayed close to her ex-husband's cousin (who lives nearby). I like her. Her parents recently died, but her dad was super cool. He was a lifelong New Yorker. Princeton grad, the whole thing. Belonged to the Westchester Country Club for decades. When they got to the age that they needed help, they moved here to be close to the daughter. Anyway, we are having lunch with all of them, and Trump is mentioned. GF says "Uncle Arthur, did you ever have any dealings with Trump?" Arthur frowns and says "I was only around him as it relates to golf, and he's a damn cheater". He goes on to tell the story of good friend of his playing a round with Trump and a couple of other guys. Trump tees off, and they all watch his ball go into the trees. They are all looking for the ball. Arthur's friend finally spots a ball...bends down and sure enough, the ball has a Trump logo. Right at that moment, he hears Trump yelling "found it" from the fairway.
  16. French horn is a motherfucker to play. Back in my day, they recruited the very best trumpet players to play french horn.
  17. I just finished the last episode of Shameless. I hated every one of the characters (except for the salt-and-pepper couple) but I got sucked in and watched the entire thing. The tits and ass helped me stick with it. (not the man ass, of course)
  18. bagpipes are the worst
  19. fuck Toto. When I worked at Dino's pizza, our fucking juke box was either stuck on "Hurts so Good" or "Roseanna" and played both several times a night. Fuck Toto
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