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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gil Bang

  1. fuck Toto. When I worked at Dino's pizza, our fucking juke box was either stuck on "Hurts so Good" or "Roseanna" and played both several times a night. Fuck Toto
  2. I've seen Dale Bozzio's gash. "Penthouse" IIRC
  3. watching Texas-Tenn basketball. Weaver's hair looks like that stupid hat that goober always wore.
  4. I can't decide if I should go to the Chicagov show on 11/1 or the Chicago show on 11/2 Who the fuck does these graphics?
  5. Ask the "greats" who's their favorite drummer. Most will say Ringo. But yeah, fit is really important. Weinberg is a great fit for the E Street Band. If he weren't, Bruce probably would have found somebody else in the last 40 years.
  6. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I don't think there's ever been a rocker who's real life was so different than his on-stage persona.
  7. The answer is Ringo. The answer has always been Ringo. Every fucking thing he did was perfect for the song. Listen to this motherfucking hi-hat. No other drummer on earth would have the imagination to put it RIGHT THERE WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE a lot of assholes hit the drums hard, like Moon and Bonham. Ringo does it perfectly, every single time.
  8. coolest mofo on the planet
  9. What a fucking great gig he had. Making very good money, catching shrapnel pussy, eating and drinking at the best places on Sho's dime...I'd kill for that gig
  10. Gil Bang

    Getting old sucks

    get the fuck out of my head
  11. until it's time to get in an elevator, where they will push and shove like a mofo
  12. Gil Bang

    Getting old sucks

    I'm not an Aggie sir.
  13. Gil Bang

    Getting old sucks

    She's reliable, but she travels for work a couple nights a week
  14. Gil Bang

    Getting old sucks

    Just got treated for Dupetryn’s, again. My hand will be out of commission for a bit, and yeah, it’s the one I “use” if you catch my drift
  15. I unhitched South Austin's mom tongue last night
  16. Quinten died in WW1. Flew in 94th Aero Squadron He was 20.
  17. Driving with the GF yesterday morning. Turn on Stern. He's talking about Jake Gyllenhaal in the new "Roadhouse", and how he got in amazing shape for the film. GF says "he was already in great shape when he was in Barbie" Me: "he wasn't in Barbie" "What was he in?" "the gay cowboy movie" "Oh yeah...Midnight Cowboy"
  18. Thoughts on monoprice tube amp?
  19. Ippei was supposed to translate for Yama also. He was going to be on the mound visits
  20. I was the first to post it, fuckface
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