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Gil Bang

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gil Bang

  1. Wasn't the Aggy QB a baseball star; surefire 1st round pick? I know nothing about the guy, but I'm curious if the status of being the king shit football player was part of the decision process for him.
  2. Springsteen "Land of Hope and Dreams" playing
  3. Holy crap that woman crying. Barry fucking hits.
  4. if this mofo wasn't a "secret Muslim", he'd have been a hell of a preacher.
  5. I don't think Hank Hill wants that hairstyle anymore.
  6. speed queen is your answer
  7. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-think-hope-we-might-have-a-fan-in-the-white-house-soon-v0-uirdjeq4pqjd1.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc0eb14ec5601b794405cec616ea954d2a17526ae
  8. Reagan's the asshole that opened the door for all the bible-thumping kooks to take over. I guess I've been sheltered, because I've never seen ANYONE get murdered, raped, or mugged. I'm pretty sure I'd speak up if I saw it. "Hey you...knock off that raping".
  9. Except for that Oglethorpe asshole.
  10. They are already experimenting with Japanese products at socal stores. This meeting of minds is leading to the introduction of new items in its stateside shops like chicken teriyaki rice balls, miso ramen and sweet chili crisp wings. 7-Eleven says that all of these items are currently available at select locations across the U.S.
  11. here's your answer (the video starts at the correct time)
  12. I'd love a non-relic version
  13. Sure, but if you wear that, somebody might sit next to you at the sushi bar.
  14. I've never seen a net listing in the wild.
  15. Nancy (and Carville) are why there won't be another orange shitstain administration.
  16. that sounds like Tahoe's words, but whatever. He just brings the donuts. not necessarily racist. Just a coward.
  17. "I met the train, my dad didn't try to fuck me, then he crossed the platform to the other train"
  18. Wow. Joe's daughter loves him. Mcnuggets are hitting the wall at Mar a Lago.
  19. I'm not a religious man. But, Warnock is a motherfucking PREACHER. He's pretty, pretty, pretty good at it
  20. yes https://www.guitarplayer.com/players/how-jason-isbell-ended-up-with-ed-kings-legendary-red-eye-les-paul
  21. He's pretty open about his gear, and he claims that he plays the replica in some shows. He's got a red-eye replica too, and he often plays that, but red-eye is worth a fucking fortune.
  22. I think it was a different Tele.
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