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  1. "Save It For A Rainy Day" is a fantastic record. I LOVE all of their recordings but that one is about perfect to me.
  2. Just didn't get it drunk enough.
  3. And one of my favorites, with Gary on lead vocals....and the melodic solos are stunning.
  4. Oh, by 1980, he had already started. My comment was referring to seeing them in 79.
  5. I saw them in 79 on the Nine Lives tour, before Cronin pussified the band. It was a fantastic show. I LOVED the way Richrath moved with the guitar.
  6. I bought an additional Eero wifi extender. Already had two, but trying to fix one dead spot. Discover one I had in a hallway was missing. Me: You know what happened to that thing that was plugged in the.plug in the upstairs hallway? Her: You mean that night light? Me: well, it did have a light on it, so yes. Her: I threw it away. It was ugly. I bought a new light, just haven't plugged it in. I think you will like it. Me: I'm sure I will.
  7. Cumberland had a "Camp Recovery" in October where about 70 former patients camped at a state park near Nashville for a long weekend. The guy I was in detox with and I bunked together in a small, 1930s log hut. It was the first year they have done that but I plan to go from now on. I got more from that weekend than I could ever imagine. It was all of the best parts of being in treatment, without the long, long, days and monotony. I tried my first shot at holotropic breathing (FUCKING AWESOME) and some really great sessions with a great trauma counselor. Guitar pull happened as well.
  8. Some great stories here about Slim. https://lefsetz.com/wordpress/2024/12/23/re-slim-dunlap/
  9. Justin Townes Earle. Only show love ever walked out of. I've never seen an act insult and berate an audience like he did that night. And for no fucking reason outside of his huge, over-inflated ego.
  10. Dammit. His two solo albums from the early to mid 90s were criminally underrated.
  11. Which head are you looking at? I think the 202 is what I want, over the 101.
  12. Was hoping you would chime in. BTW, I'm looking at a quilter amp head and cab for my pedal steel and learned that QSC is Quilter Sound.
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