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Posts posted by hullabelew

  1. Look in to Jules Shear tunings.   

    Cronin is playing in open D tuning DADF#AD and just letting the E and B ring.  But Jules apparently tunes his different than anyone and he played all of his songs this way.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Jason Isbell is the man-est man in modern country music.  I don't think there's a close second.  Being a man isn't swagger, or jacked up trucks, or being a fucking bully.  It's just standing up and standing tall, over and over, doing the right thing, damn the blowback.  Jason doesn't bitch about conservative pussies hating him -- he just keeps on being Jason Isbell.

    But still, Amanda Shires should leave him and run away with me.

    I think Amanda is the closest second you are thinking about.  She holds nothing back.  And my favorite quote of hers is, "I can hold my breath longer than I can listen to country radio."

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  3. On 12/26/2022 at 2:12 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    Best part of that band (besides the backing vox chick) is the drummer.  That guy has a great groove.  You can hear just a bit of an eastern Euro accent in the lead vocals, it's kinda funny.

    I'm not a big fan of tribute bands -- I'd prefer to see people put their own stamp on a cover -- but there's no doubt they're good at what they do.




    They do several GREAT EW&F covers as well. 

  4. I know it's not a contest, but Isbell and Felker gets a lot of love for their lyric writing but Rhett is just as strong in my book.   And they continue to put on full-bore rock and roll parties at their shows.  Wouldn't attempt to guess how many times I've seen them, but never a bad show.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 16 hours ago, msucolt45 said:

    I’ve been married for 31 years, but roughly the last two decades, my wife started saying “you know what I’m saying” for every F’ng thing! I really don’t know where she picked that up, but “You know what I’m saying?”


    In about the past 10 years, my wife started saying, "My question is......blah, blah, blah"   Drives me fucking NUTS. 

    I tried interrupting her by saying, "What is your question?" but it wasn't as funny to her as it was to me.  

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  6. Great SERIES.  I've never been a huge Rush fan.  Don't own any of their recordings but have multiple friends who LOVE them.  But I've always appreciated them.  I've never really watched an interview with Alex.  Comes off as a really great dude...and the balls on Shifty to try to do this.  Wow.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 8/30/2022 at 12:14 PM, Brisketexan said:

    You missed the 4th spot:  somewhere in the Red River, where it can relentlessly shell Oklahoma.

    I like this idea.  Put it on the Red River by I35, or in Wilbarger County where those bastards are still pushing BLM to take that stretch of land south of the Red River.  Fucking thieves.  

  8. On 7/8/2023 at 4:44 PM, 66BUFF said:

    Had tickets for the following show and April Wine pulled out of the show


    Colorado Sun Day No. 1 July 19, 1980 at Folsom Field:
    • Cheap Trick
    • REO Speedwagon
    • Blackfoot
    • Sammy Hagar
    • Bill Bruford (a last-minute replacement for April Wine, Bill Bruford and the Killer Bees played dressed up in Bumble-Bee costumes)


    I saw all of those bands in 79 and 80 all in separate shows, (except for Bruford).  Was Killer Bees the reggae band from Austin? Man, I used to LOVE their live shows.    

    I saw April Wine open for Molly Hatchet that year.  REO on the 9 Lives tour (actually 79) before Cronin pussed out on us and ruined Gary Richrath.  Would have to go thru the ticket stubs to see how the other bands played with.  

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