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Posts posted by hullabelew

  1. 20 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Did Rufus sing different lyrics?  If so, were they written by Cohen?  To the best of my knowledge, there's only about a half dozen verses that have actually seen the light of day, even though Cohen claims to have written dozens.

    Oh, and I hate Rufus' version, mostly because he sings "you" instead of "ya" every time.  Come on, man.

    All of the verses were by Cohen. He changed some of the lyrics between the 84 and the 88 versions that he released.  Jeff Buckley used 2 verses from the 84 version and 3 from the 88 version in his 94 version.   I'll have to go back and listen to the John Cale version from the "I'm Your Fan" compilation (91).  

    I also HATE Buckley's version.  He lucked out by them letting him put his version on the soundtrack, even though they used a shortened version of Cale's in the movie.


  2. The Cohen documentary talks a lot about the different verses and how they changed over time, both by Cohen and then by the folks behind Rufus Wainwright's version.  

    I keep of list of my funeral songs: 

    Go In Peace: Sam Baker 
    Summer's End:  John Prine
    Dreaming:  Bruce and Kelly (also about summer ending)
    Heading for the Light:  Traveling Wilburys


  3. Paul Young had a kick ass version of Jack's song, "Come Back and Stay" (along with a typical 80s video with hot chicks) but Jack's version had a sense of urgency.  I need to dig out my vinyl copy.  I think I first heard this on some sampler.  



    Paul Young's version so we can look at hot chicks.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Finally got to see it.  Man, I had forgotten how cute Victoria Williams was....what a smile in those early clips.    
    That version of "Two Angels" was incredible, as was watching Peter's reaction.

    I also wish they had spent more time on his getting to SF and his early time there.  Also, I wish they had talked to some of the people who helped him on those early records.  T-Bone Burnett, John Hiatt, Keltner, Scheff, Fromm, etc.  It was cool they talked with Marvin Etzione.  Always loved that dude. 

    Jake Lee damn sure got his screen time.  I talked to Peter on the second solo album tour and he said that Eddie was going fine so I assume they still got along.  

    It's depressing to me what GREAT music he put out and never really gets the recognition he deserves.  He is a FANTASTIC song writer.  




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  5. They showed a short clip of KD Lang singing at his memorial.   

    I was looking for a better version of his introductions, but still pretty cool.  I've seen Rafael play with Kelly Willis and Bob Schneider among others.   Then the 'quietest rock band'.    


  6. Finally watched the Netflix Documentary about Leonard Cohen. 

    I'm going to watch it again to tonight.  So many great comments from him and those who surrounded him.  Plus, with his huge Austin connections of Roscoe Beck on bass and Rafael Gayol on drums.  I wish they had delved deeper or at least given an introduction into his band he assembled for that came back from retirement.    

    I loved how the showed the background of how the covering of Hallelujah (John Cale, Jeff Buckley) did so much to resurrect his career which gave him the audience to draw from when he was forced to go back on tour.   Also bummed they didn't mention Jennifer Warnes' brilliant album, "Famous Blue Raincoat" which was also produced by Roscoe Back and included one SRV solo.  But they showed the importance of the indie tribute album, "I'm Your Fan".  Had to break that out today and give it another listen but Cale's cover was easily the highlight of that record.




  7. 9 hours ago, Fastbreak said:

    For size reference. That thing is a powerhouse for its size. It literally fits in my pocket (cargo shorts, sue me).

    What is the white guitar behind the Silver Sky copy?  

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  8. On 5/30/2023 at 12:05 AM, Anton Chigurh said:


    I'd really like to see Molly play with David Rawlings and Gillian Welch.  It amazes me how little she looks at her left hand.  Incredible.  


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  9. Also posted on Guitar thread:  Stupid Deal link below on D’Angelico Premier Lexington CS.  

    If someone is looking for a beginner or beater/campfire guitar (and you can get past the tuners), these D'Angelico's are a very good buy at $400 and a STEAL at $200.   They play really nice...the neck is really great for smaller hands but isn't too small and the preamp in these things sounds fantastic.  A friend of mine tried a stint in Nashville as a songwriter, then got his law degree and is now a pastor of a Baptist church but his true love is still music.  He has shelved all of his high dollar acoustics in his church band for one of these.  Every time I talk to him, he sings the praised of this thing. 



    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. If someone is looking for a beginner or beater/campfire guitar (and you can get past the tuners), these D'Angelico's are a very good buy at $400 and a STEAL at $200.   They play really nice...the neck is really great for smaller hands but isn't too small and the preamp in these things sounds fantastic.  A friend of mine tried a stint in Nashville as a songwriter, then got his law degree and is now a pastor of a Baptist church but his true love is still music.  He has shelved all of his high dollar acoustics in his church band for one of these.  Every time I talk to him, he sings the praised of this thing. 


    D’Angelico Premier Lexington CS.   

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  11. On 5/27/2023 at 7:53 PM, Brisketexan said:

    So…I just had one of the most confusing, maddening experiences of my life, regarding how to measure and cut shelf paper for our new cabinets.
    Short back story: we’re finished a kitchen remodel, all new cabinets. Top cabinets are just over 12” deep, various widths (18”, 20”, 24”).
    So, we’re looking at rolls of liner that are - and I quote: “12 inches wide, 20 feet long.” Again, they are sold in ROLLS. So, if you unroll the whole thing, you have a single sheet 12” by 20’.
    And my wife starts talking about how to install it: “it’s 12 inches wide, so I’ll need to roll it from the back of the cabinet to the front.” What? “Well, this cabinet is 24” wide, and the paper is 12” wide, so I’ll need to roll it form the back to the front, and then do it again.” But….you just unroll it, and cut a single 12” by 24” piece, and you’re done. “That won’t work. The cabinet is 24” wide, and it says the paper is 24” wide, so I’ll need to unroll it from the back to the front twice, because the roll is only half as wide.”
    I explain that the roll is 12” wide, which is exactly what we need to cover a cabinet 13” deep. “No, see, that won’t work. You’re confusing width with depth.” Oh, ok. I say that she should ignore the words we’ve used, and just realize that we are taking about about a roll 12”x 20’. She won’t budge.
    So, I get a roll of paper towels, which is…yep, 12” wide. I then unroll it on our counter that’s around 10’ long. Like this, bit keep going for 10’.


    “This is EXACTLY what the roll of shelf paper will look like.” I then tear off 24” of the paper towel roll, and lay that 12”x24” piece in the cabinet, perfect fit.
    And she says “but that won’t work. The roll is 12” wide, the cabinet is 24” wide.” She then acknowledged “I know you believe what you’re saying, I just don’t see it that way.”
    I mean…I literally cut a piece of a roll of similar paper, showing her EXACTLY how it works….it was right there, in front of her eyes. And she still can’t grasp it.
    I just measured the cabinets and told her how many rolls to buy, and said we’ll measure out the pieces when it gets here.
    But I am completely baffled at how she can’t get past the nomenclature of “width” v “depth.” Even when I laid out AN ACTUAL ROLL OF PAPER OF IDENTICAL DIMENSIONS.
    I just…I can’t…I don’t understand how…I could never convince her.

    Although we all feel your pain @Brisketexan, this is EXACTLY why this thread exists.    

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. On 5/24/2023 at 10:01 PM, Party_Taco said:

    We built a fucking palace of a laundry room… this is how it looks 99% of the time. The cleaning ladies wouldn’t dare touch this mess, and 0.0% of it is mine.

    I can also assume there is a mildew infested load sitting in the wash, likely since this past weekend…


    For fuck sake, will someone think about the monkey and his buddy looking out the window!  

    • Haha 2
  13. On 5/25/2023 at 9:10 AM, Nivek said:

    Seems to me like there is an effort to separate the laundry and to put away or give away clothing (jackets) and such.   Not sure how many kids you have but they can be a distraction or sometimes things come up and you have to switch priorities.   

    BTW nice room.  

    Also, if you are concerned about mildew why didn't you check or at least open the washer?

    Someone tell Nivek that his wife has signed in to his Surly account again.  

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  14. Great live version of my other favorite song.  "Going out tonight going way downtown, where my friends who died still hang around".  Saw him do two shows one night in a 150 person listening room.  I stayed for both shows.  He played this one before it was recorded.  I talked to him about it between the shows.  It is the only song he repeated that night.  


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