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Posts posted by hullabelew

  1. On 1/28/2023 at 11:42 AM, DougO said:

    I didn't realize Epiphone got rid of the round notches on the pointy ends of the headstock, I guess for their higher line of stuff. That definitely makes them more attractive and Gibsonesque.

    yep.  The new headstocks match the one on my 62 Century which was made in Kalamazoo.  Only difference is my Epi 339's headstock is a bit longer.  

  2. 24 minutes ago, Carl Spackler said:

    Have you listened to it yet?  Interested in what you think of it.


    I really like "All My Friends Are Dying".  I'm really not a huge fan of the overall songwriting but the musicianship is fantastic and I like the production.  I really was never a huge fan of Five Eight, but I always loved Mantione's vocals.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. And not to derail, but Emmylou is the finest harmony singer and here she walks another legendary asshole thru this great song.  Even he had too much respect for Emmylou, and this powerhouse band, to not show up drunk.    I got to see this band back up Emmylou and Ronstadt around this time.  Holy shit.  


    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. My favorite recording of his is on the Gram Parson's tribute album.  His harmony work with Lucinda is just fantastic.  Completely stays out of the way of Lucinda.  His ear for harmony was incredible.  


    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    I would get the sweats pretty bad if I was trying to sleep sober even before I really went over the edge. I imagine that varies quite a bit though.

    Same for me.   I sweating like a whore in church every night.  And like @Celery Man, that was before the wheels really came off.  

  6. @Bogeywon  Many versions of the same article/story. Google "Steve Berlin Paul Simon".  

    My favorite part:  

    I remember he played me the one he did by John Hart, and I know John Hart, the last song on the record. He goes, “Yeah, I did this in Louisiana with this zy decko guy.” And he kept saying it over and over. And I remember having to tell him, “Paul, it's pronounced zydeco. It's not zy decko, it's zydeco.” I mean that's how incredibly dilettante he was about this stuff. The guy was clueless.


    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  7. 49 minutes ago, Walser said:

    No, happy to share. Day 2 of no alcohol I started getting cold shivers first thing in the morning while somehow managing to lightly sweat. I would eventually just get up and start my day. Later that day I had what was seemingly spontaneous vomiting; like I wasn't particularly feeling nauseated and there was a little warning. Eventually I was able to keep fluids and solids down. 

    Day three was worse and there was no keeping anything down. Food, fuhgeddaboutit. But was ultimately did it for me was the inability to hold down simple water. On an empty stomach I could drink a small bottle of water and it would all come back up within 15 minutes. So obviously hydration was a big worry and I was not keen to experiment with butt-chugging.

    At the ER the shakes were so bad I could not really fill out the forms. After I got all my vitals taken (way too high BP, heart rate) and got a drip for hydration and a cocktail of drugs to basically calm me down. It worked. I would have been able to orally drink water except they wanted me to go through some tests first. I was getting damn thirsty at the end. My treatment was three days in the hospital with constant checking of vitals, reducing number of pills and saline, and discharge.

    If you are interested I can look through my paperwork for the exact chemical treatment.

    Oh, and I feel lucky. I went to AA this last Wednesday with my cousin and spent the whole weekend mountain-biking with family. But man do I miss drinking; and by that I mean just having something to drink! My family filled my fridge with a wide variety sparkling waters, fruit juices and soft drinks. I prefer the flavored sparkling waters. So it feels like habit for me; I don't seem to have a physical urge,,,yet.

    Ginger Beer and spicy ginger ale also worked well for me, early on, and still do.  I mix them in my normal pint glass, just like my old drinks, expect instead of a glass full of whiskey and a splash of coke, it is a glass full of ginger beer and a splash of grenadine.  Somehow, the act of mixing the drink was relaxing.  

  8. One of the bonuses of not being drunk all of time:  Saving Money.  I had a great reminder on Saturday night.

    Went to a large wedding for the son of a friend.  Kid married a really rich girl.  Reception dinner:  Fantastic live band.  Open bar from 4:30 until the end.  Top shelf liquor.  Best meal I've ever had at a wedding dinner.  For the reception:  one bar upstairs/one downstairs.  four bars in the dining area.  In my drunk days, I would have tipped every bartender in that place at least $20 to start the night off, you know...to get in their good graces.  Don't want them forgetting me when the line is long.  Also, if the wife was trying to keep me on a pitch count, I could dip out and run to the bar upstairs to grab a quick one.  So right off the bat, I'm down $160-200 at this free bar.  

    The guitarist/bassist/sax guy set up a little jazz trio during the happy our.  I did give them a tip because they were fucking great.  But the plus was I could talk to them and not be a drunken mess.  By 8pm though, I was ready to GTFO of that place though.  It's really the first place I've been where I started feeling 'itchy' about being around that large of a drinking environment.  There was some other factors (divorce likely beginning soon for one.  A topic for later, but I'm convinced my wife doesn't like me sober, and I'm fucking FINE with that.)  

    Soon after I got out of treatment, I went to a concert in a small listening room with another couple who wasn't drinking.  They were both bartenders. She told the server, "Just to let you know, we aren't drinking booze, but we are going to tip on a booze-filled tab".  My ginger beer never ran dry.  

    I CONSERVATIVELY estimated I was spending $30 a day on booze.  VERY CONSERVATIVELY.  After 3 1/2 years, the number is over $40,000.   


    • Hook 'Em 3
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  9. @tbone_

    Check out the solo on this version.   Always reminded me of the melodic style that Gary Richrath had before Cronin ruined him.   I really think it would have been cool to hear Ben Orr sing but as far as I know, he only song on the Cars' songs.

    Bass:  Ben Orr
    Double Cut:  Pat Travers
    Strat:  Derek St. Holmes
    Explorer:  Jeff Carlisi
    Drums:  Liberty DeVito


    Ben Orr has moved to Atlanta where Carlisi had a music school for kids.  Derek St. Holmes also lives here.  They originally had the drummer from some version of Skynyrd but he left and they picked up Billy Joel's drummer.   I saw them in a couple of small clubs and outdoor festivals.   I used to run in to Derek a lot and you could not meet a more humble dude.  As over-the-top as he can be on stage, just sitting at the bar, having a cocktail, he is friendly and humble and extremely nice.   I met him when a buddy introduced me.   I asked my buddy, "I know you know his name, but do you know who he actually is?"  He didn't, and Derek just grinned real big and told my buddy, "Don't listen to this guy".  Carlisi set up a school that is like School of Rock, but it was done before that movie/school actually started up.   He books a night at a local venue and lets all of the kids play.  

    They were active right up until Ben Orr died.  


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  10. On another note, a buddy called me one night to practice for a one-off show for a children's hospital benefit.  I only knew one dude in the group.  After we practiced our one song and everyone left, I told my buddy, "That bass player was fuckin-AWESOME".  It was the bass player from .38 Special.  

    • Haha 2
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  11. I vote for the Squire and let her sticker it up and draw all over that bitch.  She will love it and play it more.  Buy yourself the Fender, then give it to her later.  I would give anything if either of my daughters had shown an interest in the guitar....hell, any instrument.  


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  12. Was in Nashville over the weekend and stopped in to a random meeting and ran in to buddy from my treatment center.  He told the following story.

    A guy came on the same day as him.  Mid 50s.  In a wheelchair.  All alcohol induced.  In less week he was walking with a walker, then with a cane.  At 3 weeks, he rode the 75 ft  swing and balanced with another guy on a near impossible rope course.  You have to balance yourself with another guy across a span of several feet.  You each have all of your weight on the other person while the rope is moving all over the place.  And he did it.  Left treatment.   Did well for 60 days.  Relapsed.   Found him dead 2 days later.  Drank himself to death in 3 fucking days.  

    All of that progress in 28 days.....said he had never felt that good....also said, "if I drink again, even one....I will die".   

    This shit is serious boys and girls.  

    • Hook 'Em 5
  13. @Tom  Two of the guys I most respect and rely on for advice did EXACTLY what you are talking about.  One was 3 years and the other at 5.  Both described how they weren't drinking but we anywhere from not happy to miserable and they didn't know why.   No one in any meeting I've ever been in would shun you.  Best of luck.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  14. Sumbitch.  Jess was a great guy.  Used to do some day drinking with my brother at the Barley House.  First time, my brother said, "You know who our bartender was?  Guitarist for Slobberbone".     

    That band, and The Drams never got the recognition they deserved.  What a great band.  

    What a great cover:  LOVE that guitar tone.


    This one always makes me smile. 



    • Hook 'Em 3
  15. Truth.  I honestly have never laughed as much and as hard as I did while I was in treatment.  I had no idea what I was in for.  Part of me thought it would be like "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" mixed with a religious, Kumbaya-campfire-singing session.  I couldn't have been further from the truth.   

    I have a buddy who right now who really needs to be in treatment but won't pull the trigger.  He convinced his doctor and some other treatment center dude into letting him try to medically detox at home and that went about as well as you would think.  I know he would have a blast and would have a much better chance at getting sober if he would just go.  I told him I would drive him up there  and that I would go back if my insurance would let me.  Just too proud/scared I guess.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. On 12/2/2022 at 6:11 AM, G650 said:

    The unsung hero is Rick Derringer playing the solo on Eat It

    How am I just now learning this.  Had no idea he has been working as Weird Al's producer either.  

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