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Posts posted by hullabelew

  1. After a few days on the pedal steel.  Initial thoughts/impressions. 

    I've built a little work station around me to help.  I'm running an ipod into a Yamaha board through a PA speaker to play along with things.  Also have a table set up to watch YT instructions and also look up how to play chords.  

    I restrung it (and hope I don't have to do that for a very long time) and it sounds and plays much better and it also disclosed some mechanical issues with the pedals and levers but I think I've worked through them.   I highly accurate tuner is a must.  For $150, this Peterson Strobostomp is a steal for what it provides.   I'm fucking tired of dropping finger picks and having to bend down and pick them up.   I don't know if I will ever be able to use the finger picks.  There are 4 basic hand positions and moving between them with those picks on is really tough to get used to. I'm fine with the thumb picks....and apparently some folks (Danial Lanois is one) don't use the finger picks. 

    One bizarre thing that happened during restringing.  I put the ball end through the 'bridge' slot which moves to change the pitch of the strings (either lever or pedal triggered).  As I was winding the string, it slipped off of the peg, and the lever released, throwing the string out of the bridge slot.   I have yet to find that string.  LUCKILY, there were two of those strings included in the set...by accident.  The ball ends were stuck together, so I had a built in spare.   The Buddy Emmons gods were smiling down on me I guess.  

    Learning the fret board and how it changes related to which pedals you are using is the key to this.  But I'm having a blast learning it.  I usually work on changing finger positions for a few minutes, then I concentrate on bar movement and finding chord relationships, then I put on some of my favorite songs I like to play on guitar and try to play along with them.  Currently working my way throw the Hangdogs discography.  I also spend some time trying to play along with random songs from my spotify list that I don't normally play on guitar.    

    Next purchase is probably a steel specific pack seat.  I thought about getting a drum throne but a good Roc-n-soc is about as much as a pack seat so I might as well get a good seat so I don't have to get used to something different if I ever decide to play this thing outside of my basement.    


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  2. On 7/12/2022 at 7:39 AM, Celery Man said:

    Oh interesting, I hadn’t seen the Peterson strobe pedals in a minute. I had the OG blue strobostomp for years and loved it. It finally died after much abuse and I replaced it with the turbo tuner - also good but hard to read in direct sunlight. I’d be interested in trying the new petersons, but also I did like the kinda OG strobe style display that I was used to from band.

    I don’t know if we’ve had this discussion, but I’m a big believer in highly accurate tuners like Peterson and Turbo. Would definitely want that for pedal tuning.

    The steel is a GFI SM-10 3x4  (3 pedal, 4 lever model).  SM is for Student Model.

    The Peterson Strobostomp is really cool in that it has specific tuning modes for steel and also for the pedals.  You can change the colors to make is easier to read in different environments and you can set colors for each tuning to make it easier to find them.  I usually hate having so many choices, but these are easy to scroll through the menus.  It is also helping me in making sure I hit the correct spot with the bar.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. Why can't we all just get along...,.

    Playing guitar, I use my middle and ring finger a lot and most pedal players use a thumb and first two fingers. My ring finger keeps getting in the way. And getting used to those finger picks is going to take some time. But after repurposing an electric guitar string, I'm off and running.

    You not only tune the strings but then you have to essentially tune the pedals and knee levers. I'm taking copious notes of this process. As far as an amp, I've already decided the Blues Jr is more than a good enough amp for me while I learn.

    Next purchase. Peterson strobe pedal and probably a dedicated seat to keep all of the shit in and is the correct height.

  4. I don't know what steel guitar roadies are paid, but in my car experience of tuning this thing, it ain't enough. I'm glad he sent an extra set of strings because I already broke one,. LOWERING it.

  5. Let's see if I can put this bitch together.
    3rd pic had me scared that I was going to have to put strings on it as well. Thankfully that is not the case.

    Kind of disappointed that one of the legs appears to be a replacement but I'll deal with that later. He left the cheat stickers on.... And I plan to add more. 10ff3524337cded58d70b2f98073f00f.jpgd0170f21bdc571f3e361516f59aec316.jpg1c9d44836acb3790b6c606fba0ad89d6.jpg5cf2ad24eb12780f6ac4b14eb1f80bd4.jpg

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  6. 18 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I don't even practice my 6-strings nearly enough.  I sure don't need another distraction.

    Eager to hear about your progress, hulla.

    Thanks for the optimism.   :)

    I will have to have a guitar handy while learning this as I try to translate some stuff and I'm hoping that the steel (those steel guys call them PSG for pedal steel guitars) will improve my guitar playing by helping me better visualize which notes are changing to actually change from say a C to a C7.  I know that change isn't that difficult but when you can change a I to a IV by just changing 2 notes (using two pedals), it is already helping my understanding of the guitar.  (I wish I has taken piano when I was a kid)

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  7. They have caused the price of those old 80s Peavey amps to skyrocket.   Several of the guys on the Steel Guitar Forum and YT say the Boss Katana 100 makes a great practice amp but I'm just going to use my Blues Jr until I'm sure I can play this thing without poking my eyes out or stabbing myself in the leg with one of those knee levers.  Ultimately, I like the SS idea just because of the weight.  But again, Why not both. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I'm obviously way too excited about this. Already looking at steel amps and those cool pack seats and learning all of this steel lingo and acronyms.

    I'm currently reclaiming space in the former DMZ of our basement from my wife.

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  9. On 7/4/2022 at 10:17 PM, tbone_ said:


    But it would be cool to be able to play one of those things.

    On simple songs, it is easy to add in chords and stay out of the way and sound very good.   I'm going to practice at home for a month, then take it up to a local open mic night, set it up and sit in with everyone who will let me.  I figure that is the best way to get better.    Any I-IV-V song is easy.  I was worried about all the pedals and levers.   3 pedals, volume pedal and 4 knee levers.   

    My lesson was "Find the root on the 8th string.   Pick these three string or these three.  Push down the two left pedals at the same spot.  That's the IV, Move up two frets with the pedals still down.  That's the V.    To make a minor, find the note on 8th string and use the first pedal.  Good luck."

    I asked him what the 1 and 10th string did.  He said, "They are bad.  Stay away".  

    Now, to get really good would take a TON of work.  I'm not sure I have that much time left on earth, but I haven't been this excited about music since I got my Shaggy Screamer.  



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  10. On 7/3/2022 at 10:28 PM, tbone_ said:

    Can you play that thing?

    I can't play anything else I have...why worry about that now.  Actually had a 5 minute lesson, then played for an hour and LOVED it.   It arrived Monday.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. Ok boys and girls. We are getting a new guitar. One smartass comment from the wife about the number of guitars I have, combined with her ordering a new chair we don't need......

    It has kickass horse shoe fret markers. 551c543cc6d170a982dc46475c0495e1.jpg60c411afdddacc95d2d50a87a6f19482.jpg

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