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Everything posted by hullabelew

  1. One of my local meetings just reopened for meetings. Saturday, a van of 16 people (we think all females) were headed to the meeting from their sober living when their van crashed, caught on fire. 6 were killed. At my Sunday morning meeting, we were missing a van of about 8 girls from a sober living house that just recently started coming to that meeting. Still trying to sort out the exact details, trying to find where the other 10 were taken but since the dead haven't been IDed, information is really hard to get right now. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/6-dead-i85-crash-gwinnett/85-38ff09c0-016c-4fad-a5b8-cb20c72ace22
  2. Double fuck. But what a great article about Denny. It's a shame someone has to die before someone takes the time to put something like that together.
  3. Defense doesn't have shit in his closing. He is failing and flailing around throwing shit against any and every wall.
  4. hullabelew


    I was wondering about Hanseroth's guitar solo on this version. Going back through my Elton John stuff, I found where they put the Mick Ronson version of "Mad Man" on the reissue of "Tumbleweed Connection". Different than what was on the "Mad Man" album. Holy fuckity fuck.
  5. In Atlanta there is an AA clubhouse just across the highway from Guitar Center. Bands are always stopping in that place. There is also another meeting that seems to draw a lot of high profile actors and musicians. With all of the meetings in Atlanta, it is cool how the word gets out among the famous folks about which meetings they like when they are in town.
  6. I checked in to treatment last on a Wednesday. I remember meeting with my doctor...must have been a Friday. On Sundays, they offered a church service or a meditation class. He asked what I was planning. I told him I thought I would check out the meditation. He said, "You ought to go check out the Sunday service. You never can tell who is going to show up to play but I bet you will know more than a couple over your stay." That Sunday I walk in to see Tommy Womack doing a sound check. This is a song about his struggles with trying to stay sober and having one good day with his wife and son. Ironically, this was filmed about 3 months before his arrest and his stay at the same treatment center where he was now playing. If you want a good book to read, his "Dust Bunnies" is a fantastic and funny book.
  7. Holy fuck...Yoakam's drummer. As Tom Waits says, "Someone needs to chain that boy up". WOW
  8. hullabelew


    The title track from his first record is when I got hooked. Talk about painting a picture. Always amazed me that he produced that first record.
  9. I don't think I've told this.....if so, sorry for the repeat. I was in treatment at Cumberland Heights in Nashville. They have a program that is sponsored by The Grammys, called MusiCares. They work to provide treatment for anyone in the music industry. Artist, songwriters, roadies, managers, etc. Because of this, they have connections with a LOT of musicians who come back to talk, sing at the Sunday service and work with people in the music program. I was lucky enough to get into that music program, run by a brilliant musician and fantastic human named John McAndrew. The music program consisted of 1 hour a week with John and other patients in the program, 1 hour one-on-one with John, 1 hour where he puts all of the patients in the music program together and you have 30 minutes to pick a song, work it out then perform it, and 1 hour where a Nashville musician comes in to talk about recovery. Going back since 1983, my very favorite songwriter is John Hiatt. My second week there, one of the other patients says, "Our guest tomorrow is some dude named John Hiatt. My dad was pretty excited when I told him that. Have you ever heard of him?" Sure enough, the next day Hiatt walks in to the practice space with his sponsor. He told his story to us, then asked what questions we had. There were 5 of us in the room. I asked a couple of questions about the timing of specific albums and how they related to his recovery, then asked why had chose different producers for the two sides of "Riding With The King." He said, "I appreciate you knowledge of my career, but I want to keep this on recovery." I then recounted a time in right after "Bring In The Family" when I saw him backstage talking with a fan about his recent recovery, and both men were crying. I told Hiatt that even though I was just a drinking 25 year old at the time and no idea I careening toward 30 more years of drinking, that moment always stuck with me. The next day I was talking with the music leader and said, "I need to apologize for asking Hiatt about his career." He said, "Do you honestly feel bad about that? If so, don't. Hiatt LOVED that. He usually comes here and no one knows who he is. If you had asked, he would have given you his phone number." Another guy who came to our group was Travis Meadows. He told a story about a girl he met at a school for troubled kids. Travis said her story was the saddest he ever heard....and has the saddest story I'VE ever heard. Anyway, he was talking to the leader at the school and that dude said, "When the only tool you have is a hammer, you are going to pound your emotions down, and when you do that, they sometimes come out sideways." He wrote this.
  10. hullabelew


    Been a huge fan for years but get tired of his constant attempts at what my brother calls, "Yuck and Pluck".......Buckin' Horse song is a prime example of that. But still, he has written some classics, and at the very, very top for me is "Lynnville Train". Towards the end, he gives us this....is he reaching for gun...is he going to shot them? Shot himself? Steel wheels scream, the whistle blows,His heart is breakingShe steps onto the platform, her new love by her sideHe reaches in his coat, his had is shakingThe time has finally come, this really is goodbye Then the mood completely changes as he pulls a ticket from his coat, not a gun. His story is he's changed his mind,He just can't help himselfSo he's getting on board the Lynnville trainAnd moving on to someplace elseAs the train pulls out he watches them bothStanding in the pouring rainHe's headed for a new life down the lineOn the Lynnville Train I still wonder if he has a gun in his coat. Someday, I'm going to ask him.
  11. We see no problem. Tele-Time!
  12. I have a Epi 339 that I LOVE playing. I use it mostly in a group that plays a lot of Elvis tunes (lead singer sounds JUST like Elvis), Buddy Holly, Tom Jones, Bill Withers, Hollies music. I'm thinking about replacing the pickups. I've never replaced pickups in any guitar as I've always been happy and would rather buy new toys/guitar/pedals than swap out pups, but I think the time is right. Right now, I'm leaning towards Classic 57s. Anyone have any other ideas/suggestions? Also, what else will I need to change when I do this? Caps/pots? Right now this guitar has a coil splitting setup that is essentially useless. It goes from an OK/acceptable tone to a hollow/thin sounding mess and I'm really not interested in that capability anyway. At least I don't think I am. What ya got?
  13. Damn Foggy. That dude is clean. I need to find something like that to just leave in open tuning for Stones songs. A buddy found a MIM Thinline for $75 at a pawn shop recently. He put $70 in it on a setup and it plays like a dream. I've NEVER found any guitar worth a shit at a pawn shop.
  14. I would still go get a couple of penicillin shots and bath in bleach, just to be sure.
  15. Ha. The dude lives about an hour from Muscle Shoals so you may have a point.
  16. Holeyboard makes this that is prob a little heavier. Built for a wah pedal but would work for your tuner. https://www.holeyboardpedalboards.com/product/holeyboard-3-footpedal-module/
  17. Sadly, he lives in Alabama. Road trip?
  18. Pete Thorn has a really cool set up.
  19. I started asking questions as soon as I saw the picture. I knew he 'had a couple of guitars', but fuck me. Gold Top: "My soulmate. A 1980 with maple neck. Had mini-humbuckers but I completely rebuilt the electronics to hot rod it for my high gain addiction." WTF are Granger amps?: "They are clones hand made by Curt Granger in Birmingham, AL. The left is a JCM800 clone and the other is a Soldano SLO clone. They fuckin' smoke." Gotta know about that little red V: "Kid guitar by some Gibson sub group. Tuned to open G." What is the amp with the V logo: "V Boutiuque brand, 112 Cab with old Celestion G12-65 speaker. "
  20. Check out this romper room. Buddy just moved into a new house and got good toys all set up.
  21. I don't know if it will be heavy enough but Pedal Train sells these boosters to put on a board if you have a pedal you need to elevate. Would this work? https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PedalBoost1--pedaltrain-pt-pb1-pedal-booster-single-3.5-inch-by-5.5-inch?mrkgadid=3331289246&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=0&mrkgcat=guitars&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=92700046934877545&lid=92700046934877545&ds_s_kwgid=58700005283398557&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007215323&dsproductgroupid=373037010929&product_id=PedalBoost1&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=g&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9010780&creative=332063179833&targetid=aud-842676327969:pla-373037010929&campaignid=1709882817&awsearchcpc=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsLWDBhCmARIsAPSL3_2g8S3MQTIbQglKjRr6X_BgZpRsCP9sGDJjEEbftvWExYq51rXxlj0aAgm7EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  22. STAB! Don't know what it does...maybe like ATTACK but I love STAB!
  23. Testify. This one should have been called "The Ashgrove Blues". Got to see him on this tour with Los Straitjackets. Just a fantastic tone on that strat.
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