So…after in-patient, I enrolled in an IOP run by a different company. It was perfect for me and I met several people who I talk to on a daily basis. Dan is one guy in particular. We got along great, right off the bat. He has helped me immensely and I like to think I haven’t hampered him. Our families get along great…he and his wife are younger than us and they have a 5 yr old boy. We kayak and play guitars together…hang out, go out to eat….good clean fun. I helped his wife find a new job when she decided to go back to work after taking time off when they had the baby. Dan had really helped me get into meditation. He even runs several meditation groups for the IOP now…just on his own, and has started a podcast that he and another patient hope to develop into something much more.
Little background. He did 6 years on a fed drug charge (about 12-15 years ago) when he got caught up in a sting that resulted in stupid mandatory minimum jail term. The judge apologized to him. He did his time…..then did well for a while, then relapsed once….back on local probation in metro about 3-4 years ago. Did well, relapse…car wreck that should have killed him, new drug charge in a different (remote) part of the state. This is what caused him to be at the IOP when I met him a year ago. This case apparently had its own legal issue (drugs at the scene of the crash/in his system) but would also likely trigger a probation violation of the metro case from 3-4 years ago. He has been hoping that the new case would end up in something less than a year…said he would be happy with that…and whatever happened with the outstanding probation, he was good with that. He was completely at ease with whatever was coming his way.
Fucking mandatory terms are bullshit. He supports his mother who lives next door to him, pays for both houses that he completely remodeled. After the new charge, he stepped down from his position on the board of the company he works for and has been installing tile and on work jobs. He has some other income from a residential rental.
Just got off the phone with him. New case, prosecutor isn’t budging….10 years, 3 to serve.
I am completely devastated, and I can’t imagine what he and his wife and mother are going through. He is about the nicest, most laid back, thoughtful person I know, and a lot of my recovery is due to his presence in my life. Incredible song writer and singer, talented and creative construction guy…EVERYONE he meets is instantly drawn to him. Thanks for letting me babble and ramble.