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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. Im speechless. WTF? so all implied rights are soon to be gone? i just dont get it. as a person of deep faith and church-going Lutheran, white american christians are some of the worst people to ever walk the planet. they are so fucking far from Jesus. They have no clue what Jesus taught and how to actually live a life of service to those who are in need. Jesus doesnt give a fuck about premarital sex or birth control or gay sex or sex education or trans kids or any of the trivial shit white evangelicals want to focus on. He wanted us to love each other, to care of each other, to help those in need, and to serve mankind to make the world a better place. fuck this shit. if we dont fight for our country now, then we will never get it back. we need to love our wayward GOP brothers and sisters and help them find their way back into the fold of democracy by putting a big ass foot up their ass in every single election moving forward until they finally realize that trump and the GQP is a fucking scam that is seeking to betray the very ideals of our nation because they cant fucking win any other way. so yeah, this once proud Young Conservative of Texas will contribute max amounts to every candidate that I can, i will go to work for every dem candidate that I can, i will canvass and go door to door because fuck this shit and fuck those assholes who are trying to destroy our country. and yeah, we need to expand the fucking court to 13 justices to represent the 13 judicial districts. No more go high when they go low. fuck that. we need to tunnel under the goddamn floor at this point. see yall on the other side of this shit fest.
  2. my sister has known jada and will for a long time and all i can say is that is a strange relationship and they are even stranger people. jada is a very controlling person and will is not a nice guy. i was surprised but not surprised by what happened. will smith is a punk.
  3. We have 5 kids. They are the best thing I will ever do or accomplish. I view my life as a life of service to them. My whole life revolves around them. Every decision. Every action. Every breath to them and for them. The most important thing in the world to me is being the best father I can be. Everything else is secondary.I absolutely love it. I have never, not one time, not even for a moment, regretted it or had second thoughts, or anything even remotely negative toward my children. I have never been jealous of anyone else who didnt have kids. They are my life. I have approached parenthood as being their guide. I do not want to live their lives. I do not want them to follow after me. I want them to make their own way and I am their guide to help them find their path on their journey. Mistakes and failures are the hardest thing to work through as a parent. On one hand you want to protect them but on the other hand, you know that ever single thing you ever learned in your own life came from failing. Its hard to let them fail but you have to. We teach our kids to think for themselves, to make decisions, to understand that their choices and decisions have consequences, and that we never ever negotiate with terrorists. If you want to do something, you have to be willing to give it up. If you can, you can do it. If you can't, you can't do it. Love, love, and more unconditional love. Always be fair, no matter what. and do not draw lines that do not need to be drawn. If you make the choice to have kids with someone you love, then you should never ever regret that choice. its a wild crazy adventure that i wouldnt trade for anything. 5 kids have kept us busy over the years and they are still keeping us busy! they dont stop needing guide at 18!!!! lol its awesome, its hard, its soooo much fun, its heartbreaking, its the best thing you can ever do with your life: to give someone else life and to love them no matter what.
  4. The more I read on this site, the more I realize that most of the posters do not truly understand the game.
  5. We went to Italy and France in November and just showed our CDC vaxx card whenever required. No need for green pass or an app. Headed to London and Greece in 4 weeks!!!
  6. a colleague of mine has it and she has been going through some pretty rough times. 40 yo, healthy but only the JnJ. she refused to get boosted... she caught it last week and went through hell and back over the weekend. still not feeling well today.
  7. i i dont disagree but whats weird is no one in my immediate or extended family has contracted covid 19 - not me, wife, 5 kids, my parents, her parents, my sisters, her sister, none of my nieces or nephews. we are all tripled vaxxed. but we also all have kids in school, go on vacations, meet with folks from work, go on business trips, etc. we limit outside trips to necessary activity but that includes my wife and i going to Italy and France for 12 days, me going to NYC and SF for work trips in December and January, my wife meets with clients weekly, my son just got back from studying abroad in france and our daughter is now studying abroad in London. i dont know what to say other than we have all tested several times and have been negative every time. and no one has had any covid type symptoms. im not complaining but more dumbfounded by our luck.
  8. oh nothing specific, he was just a dick to everyone in the hood. no one gave a shit that he sold 100M records 100 years ago, but that didnt stop him from acting like he was being put upon anytime anyone approached him. the only cool thing he did - his halloween decorations were awesome including a giant grim reaper robot that would hand you candy and scare the shit out of you.
  9. So Mr. Loaf used to be a neighbor. He was a dick.
  10. If we treated this vaccine like every other before it and required it to attend schools and public places, then this would have been over a long time ago. We also need a comprehensive approach to the third world countries to stop any mutations. Anyone who says we shouldnt mandate this shit is a fucking idiot. This was politicized by a fucking orange buffoon and no one who opposes mandates can explain why with any sort of rational or reasonable basis. Its just fucking stupid. If any President before or after had been President at the time the shit hit the fan, we would have required masks everywhere, we would have mandated the vaccine, and we would have focused on getting the vaccines to third world nations. There would have been no hesitation, no complications. It would have saved millions of lives around the world. The idiot anti-vaxxers and anti-mandaters would have stayed in their basements and been told to shut the fuck up. And everyone would have moved forward without all of the stupidity that we currently are dealing with because an orange con man didnt want to lose an election more than he cared about public health. There are no two sides to this. We went to Italy in November and it was wonderful. Everyone wearing masks. Everyone showing their vax cards to get into places. It was amazing to watch everyone act normal like it used to be - everyone pulling together to take care of each other and allow the world to move forward.
  11. Understood. But they are also telling people the opposite of that so who knows.
  12. Im shocked. SHOCKED. they would go out and get a 5 star QB to transfer in. I mean who would do that? the ONLY thing and I MEAN THE ONLY THING that could mean is that they privately think Card doesnt have it. and instead of telling former players and long time friends, they chose to tell you? SHOCKED I tell you! clearly you are right.
  13. I am not going to defend Card. He needs to step up, get out of his own way, and just go play. But a few of the coaches live in my neighborhood and i can most definitely say without any hesitation that the coaches do not believe that Hudson doesn't have it or isnt the guy. They are frustrated with him because they know what he is capable of and they are very focused on bringing out the best from him moving forward. Odds are that Ewers will win the job. I just want the best to play. But the coaches have most definitely not given up on Card.
  14. Loved it as a movie. Hated it because it is too accurate.
  15. Best BBQ I have ever had. His beef rib is the best piece of meat I have ever had. Rest easy John.
  16. and those Dline recruits should make it a lot easier on whomever is playing LB.
  17. look, i know CTJ is fast and some have said he is made from pure speed but what we really need to know: is CTJ Teddy Lehman fast or faster?
  18. He ripped off a 94 yard TD run against Brennan. and yeah, he just refuses to go down.
  19. I would agree that NS wins this one prior to Saturday. But for the first time since last year, the LT QB showed up and actually completed more than 50% of his passes. He was on fire. Add that to DJ who rushed for 200 yards and the offense rolled in normal LT fashion. The D finally played a solid game as well. The back 7 have been horrific in pass coverage all season until Saturday. They shut down a QB who had thrown 50 TDs and only 1 INT. what happened? IDK. But that was the first time in the last 15 months that LT looked like LT. If they show up like that this Saturday, I think LT has a chance. If not, NS rolls. and btw, LT's RB should be getting attention from every college in the nation. He is in the conversation for the best RB we have ever had. He has been lightly recruited because our coaches played him at MLB last season. This is his first year at RB and he has been dominant.
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