We have 5 kids. They are the best thing I will ever do or accomplish. I view my life as a life of service to them. My whole life revolves around them. Every decision. Every action. Every breath to them and for them. The most important thing in the world to me is being the best father I can be. Everything else is secondary.I absolutely love it. I have never, not one time, not even for a moment, regretted it or had second thoughts, or anything even remotely negative toward my children. I have never been jealous of anyone else who didnt have kids. They are my life.
I have approached parenthood as being their guide. I do not want to live their lives. I do not want them to follow after me. I want them to make their own way and I am their guide to help them find their path on their journey. Mistakes and failures are the hardest thing to work through as a parent. On one hand you want to protect them but on the other hand, you know that ever single thing you ever learned in your own life came from failing. Its hard to let them fail but you have to. We teach our kids to think for themselves, to make decisions, to understand that their choices and decisions have consequences, and that we never ever negotiate with terrorists. If you want to do something, you have to be willing to give it up. If you can, you can do it. If you can't, you can't do it. Love, love, and more unconditional love. Always be fair, no matter what. and do not draw lines that do not need to be drawn. If you make the choice to have kids with someone you love, then you should never ever regret that choice. its a wild crazy adventure that i wouldnt trade for anything. 5 kids have kept us busy over the years and they are still keeping us busy! they dont stop needing guide at 18!!!! lol
its awesome, its hard, its soooo much fun, its heartbreaking, its the best thing you can ever do with your life: to give someone else life and to love them no matter what.