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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. LOL - I meant in HS - Wilson was described the same way - not the biggest, not the fastest, but strong hands, great timing and jumping ability - ran really good routes and just had all the intangibles of playing the position. He was a steady 4.6 guy in HS who never ran faster than an 11 sec 100M. No idea where the 4.3 speed came from at the combine. Also, similar height and weight to Lockett in HS.
  2. Lockett's play reminds me of Garrett Wilson. Fantastic get!
  3. I was back last week and it was just about perfect. It was interesting hearing people at the tables next to me talking about how clean the city is and how much it has come back to its former glory.
  4. Kamala was my girl in 2020 and I'm excited to support her in 24! I have maxed out my family's contributions and we have all volunteered to help. I will be a precinct chairman for her campaign. We are going to knock on doors, make calls, send texts, whatever it takes! I haven't been this involved since 2008. LFG!!!!!
  5. its time to get rid of my S. my wife was thinking of getting an X. but no more. fuck that guy and whatever the fuck he does going forward. he has completely destroyed Tesla's brand and alienated his entire customer base.
  6. You guys don't get it. If the US falls, what do you think happens next? He pulls us out of NATO, the far right gain foot holds in every EU country and the UK, factions occur, Russia invades, and Europe is at war again. The flight is here. If we don't stop it here, the whole world goes down with us. There will be no safe havens. Now put your big boy and girl pants on, stop saying it's over, get a fucking backbone, and let's go fight these motherfuckers (at the ballot box) and send them all back to the shame filled basements that they emerged from! There are more of us than them. If we donate, organize, and fucking vote, we will beat them again. Trump is a fucking loser who has lost everything he has ever been involved with. He will lose in November. He will go to prison. He will die in a jail cell. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves. There is no ledge. There is no country to run off to. No one is coming to save us. We have to do it. It's time to stand up and take our country back.
  7. Biden did a great job! He was thoughtful, knowledgeable, and demonstrated a mastery of policy. He will win. LFG!!!
  8. 1. I think he stays in and wins. 2. im voting Democrat no matter what.
  9. Peter S is married to Maggie G? What?
  10. We watched it Friday night and thought it was a fun movie. Good music, some good laughs, good to see the original cast and the new characters. it was a fun summer movie!
  11. I know Jeff well and coached Kaeden for several years. I would be shocked if he came to UT.
  12. the economy is great. people are better off than they were under Trump. the only problems we have with the economy are BECAUSE of Trump's policies and presidency. This election will be about a good economy, lowest unemployment in 50 years, WOMEN's RIGHTS, the fucking supreme court, and oh yeah DEMOCRACY. If those issues don't get the same 2020 voters plus a shitload of people who previously supported Trump to switch sides then we deserve the dystopian future that would be in store for us all with another Trump presidency. this is a stupid fucking argument at this point. Biden has had what many consider to be the most legislatively successful 3.5 years of any president in the last 50 years. He has a booming economy at his back and bright future ahead.
  13. well then they should vote for BIden because Trump will raise taxes on anyone not super rich, enact more stupid policies that led to the inflation Biden has finally tames, and trump will create a hostile violent society for them to raise their kids and work in. Did I mention that Biden's policies have actually created jobs and lowered the unemployment rate? This shit is too easy...
  14. we just need the same folks who voted for Biden in 2020 to show up again and not a single one of those folks are going to change their vote to the orange guy after that debate.
  15. if your take away from the debate was that Biden is too old so you aren't going to vote for him or you are going to sit this one out - SURPRISE - you were never going to vote for BIden. Because that means that you were ok with the guy on the other side who literally lied every single time he opened his mouth. You can say Biden performed poorly but he at least told the truth no matter how slowly. The other guy lied about every goddamn thing and that should disqualify him from getting any vote that isn't a MAGA idiot. So again, if you claim this debate changed your mind, you were always ok with the lying fascist and never supporting the truth telling democrat.
  16. im sick and tired of "democrats are bad at strategy" rants and Joe is too old rants. Fuck all of that. You think the republicans are good at strategy? WTF? they have lost every election since 2016. They have turned over their party and strategy to a con man who has the worst instincts in the world and loses over and over and over again. Accordingly, the republicans keep getting their asses handed to them over and over and over again by a Democratic party that y'all cant stop complaining about. I mean what the ever living fuck are y'all talking about? Biden is too old? maybe. probably but even dead Joe is a superior candidate to the lying, stealing, joke of a con man that Trump is. When Trump and the republicans get their asses handed to them AGAIN in the Fall, will y'all please shut the fuck up about democrats being bad at everything? meanwhile, me and the democratic party are over here raising money, organizing get out the vote campaigns and all kinds of shit that I guess doesn't count toward strategy but sure as shit wins elections.
  17. true. and since it would be part of his core duties, he is immune from any criminal prosecution!
  18. pffffffttttt - that's easy. he tells the FBI / CIA / Seal Team 6 to assassinate the justices and all heads of the opposing party. now, who is going to reverse him and they cant prosecute him because his speech to those groups of the executive branch are part of his core powers and thus receive absolute immunity.
  19. so long as he communicates with the US Military then it is presumptively an official act and he has presumptive immunity. this shit is bananas yo! it is encouraging the president to use official government resources to commit whatever crimes he wants and so long as he does that - US military, justice department, CIA, FBI, Seals - then he is presumptively immune.
  20. Does anyone know a good criminal defense Lawyer in Dallas for a shoplifting case involving a 17 year old that they want to try as an adult? Family wants a really good lawyer to make this go away before their kid starts applying to college. Thank you in advance!
  21. What value does gold actually have? It's a shiny metal. What's it's intrinsic value?
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