let's put aside whether you are a piece of shit or not, it just makes sense to educate, feed, and provide shelter to our population from an economics perspective. we need healthy educated workers. it's in our financial best interest to provide a baseline for our workers so we can all prosper more. Anyone who thinks that if my tax dollars didn't go to pay for those things, that somehow that member of our society just goes without - they are an idiot. instead, that person lives off tax dollars at the highest and most inefficient and ineffective rate. we throw more money and get less return than if we just actually did it. but no, people's feelings are involved and so we cant actually provide for those things in the budget - instead we keep it offsheet and either borrow for it and just lump it in with general spending, depending if its federal or state. we are the dumbest people in the civilized world. we are living off our past.