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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. Gotcha. I am catching up on the classics that I never read for whatever reason. I have always been a big reader but i somehow missed a lot of the greats. I am in my early 40s but am making up for my misses now.
  2. hahahaha no. im not that guy. i think all the hand size stuff for a college QB in a power spread offense is pretty silly. i like Card a lot. but if Texas can grab another quality QB prospect for 2020 they should. as for Roschon vs Card, they are similar players and both fit Herman's offense really well. my favorite thing about Card is his competitiveness. he is a hard worker and doesnt get overwhelmed by the moment. i know i am known around these parts as an LT homer, but around LT im known as a UT homer. my loyalty lies with Longhorns first and foremost. the rest is just info i try to pass on whether from LT or UT sources.
  3. interesting question. Why do you ask?
  4. there is no doubt it inspired emotion, thought, and reaction. next up is Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and then The Son.
  5. I was able to book the hotel for 40k points per night. I think the total if I paid cash was a little over $1k. It was by far the best deal for one of the Fine Hotels Collection properties which includes an upgrade, breakfast for two, and $100 for the spa. I booked Le Dokhan hotel through SPG for 35k points per night and then got one night free for a total of 5 nights at 140k points.
  6. i don't disagree with anything you wrote other than "the story crafted is one that shows why a fallen wicked people...are in need of salvation." does it show that? does it even suggest that anyone there needs saving? i am more of the belief that it shows that when left to its own devices, man is wicked and evil and cruel and then dies. if he was setting out to write a work of art, i think he accomplished his goal. some of the scenes painted were some of the more memorable i have ever read. the story was brought to life without any doubt. Thank you for the discussion.
  7. My oldest son is studying abroad in Paris this semester. I was able to book him on Delta in main cabin from AUS=>JFK=>CDG for 36k miles. We are going over on our anniversary and his birthday in March was able to book Delta One from AUS=>ATL=>CDG for 96k. I used my Delta miles for all the flights. We are staying at Hotel Saint James for the first 2 days we are there, traveling out to Reims for champagne tours staying in an AirBnB and then back to Paris at Le Dokhan Hotel for the next 5 nights. I used AMEX points for Hotel Saint James and SPG points for Le Dokhan. So far, we have spent about $100 on the trips in taxes and fees. We are excited. Its our first trip to Paris.
  8. I like Davis a lot. I saw him up close against LT and he was very impressive. His poise, touch, and control of the game were all top notch. He is deceptively fast and a strong runner. I would love to have Davis, Evans, George, and Banks off that NS team.
  9. i appreciate your response but not sure i agree. and again, this is me wrestling with the book and trying to figure it out in my way. but i dont think i agree with you on the whole structure falling if you remove one word. i could edit the book down to about 100 pages. im exaggerating but my point remains. he described the same things over and over again and in the same way over and over again that i was often tempted to skip ahead but refused to do so. i felt at times his descriptions setting the scenes were heavy handed and often threw in complicated phrases or obscure words just for the heck of it. it often took me out of the story and back to the realization that i was reading a book. and when he would drone on and on about the dusty white trail blah blah blah, i often thought that his publisher must have requested more pages because surely he understands that we get it by now. and even in the quote you listed, one of the most amazing scenes in the whole book, i was so excited about the horde from hell but alas, they were defeated on the side of a volcano in a flash back story. it was very much a let down as i hoped to see them battle glanton's group head on. i dont disagree that the judge was similar to his villain in no country for old men in that he seemed to play evil itself than just a man. but as far as a comp to paradise lost, i dont see that at all. this was not a story of man's downfall or rising up or both or anything. it was a story about a kid who got in with a group who hunted scalps and got drunk until they died. but the kid disappears for 100s of pages at a time but then shows back up at the end. maybe i am just missing it. there was no moral conflict. there was really no conflict or tragedy or risk at all. i wasnt invested in anyone living, dying, succeeding, failing or just invested in anyone or thing. it was just a story without any investment. we were just riding along with a really bad group of people who did a bunch of really bad things to other people, some of those good and some bad, and there was nothing really risked or gained or rewarded or balanced in any particular outcome or venture. it was unlike any other book i have ever read. and thats probably why its confounding me. the fact i am so passionate about it probably means i really liked it but i just havent figured out how to express it yet.
  10. interesting. please elaborate. why is it your favorite book? i ask because i am having difficulty getting over there were no characters the reader could identify with or even really cheer for or just plain like. every character was a horrific human being. and second, where is the story? the arc? the build up, the suspense? the final resolution? a moral or lesson? or even a point? it was a story about a bloody ride from little town to little town doing the same things over and over again while riding through the same dusty landscape over and over again. who was the villain? hero? its a pretty pointless story about a meaningless hunt for scalps that led nowhere. but.... it was beautifully written but in an overly complicated way at times and certainly painted the picture of what it was like on the plains of texas/mexico in the mid 1800s. im still not sure what to make of it. im wrestling with it and that probably is a good thing. but when the story ended, it just kind of ended flat. and the judge? i dont even know where to begin. i think i hate him but not sure what he even is cause clearly he isnt a mortal man.
  11. Klobuchar, Kamala, and Beto are my top 3.
  12. Finished Call of the Wild and then read Blood Meridian. I loved Call of the Wild. I am still trying to figure out if i loved Blood Meridian or not. It was a page turner no doubt and created some great scenes and at least one incredible character. I am going to think about it for a few and then decide. I'm thinking of staying with a western theme and reading the Son next.
  13. thats exactly what im saying. so lets apply the same standard to Trump that the Repubs applied to Hillary and see how he comes out.
  14. damn...im on a long flight with 7 hours more travel ahead of me.
  15. kinda but not really. this is like who wouldnt rather live in Austin, Texas with a degree from Texas than fucking silicon valley after four years at Stanford? seriously, its a no brainer. UT, Austin, and the Hill Country are way better than Stanford, SF and Napa.
  16. i heard that Braun transfer kid is also considering Stanford, but thats no concern to us right? I mean Texas's academics and athletics are better than Stanford.
  17. fuck that both sides shit too. if someone in congress or the WH has a skeleton in their closet, expose that shit and lets get them out. wtf is wrong with you? the answer to corruption isnt everyone's doing it Dad so its ok! - its fuck that son, everyone that's doing it is going to jail so lets find ones that arent corrupt.
  18. hahahahahaha.... this is a joke right? how many charges are we up to now? 80 something? pleas? convictions? prison sentences. gtfo with that buillshit.
  19. if he didnt do anything wrong, there is nothing to worry about. and yeah the repubs investigated the shit out of hillary, she took it like a man and showed she had nothing to hide. 0 indictments. 0 convictions. a bazillion investigations all created for no reason by the repubs. so yeah, if trump is like hillary and has not done anything wrong, then he should act like hillary and cooperate fully, answer their questions, and encourage a full and transparent investigation. and we will see where it goes... cause either way, its going to happen. so maybe trump should follow ol clayton williams advice and lay back and enjoy it!
  20. i would love to add Haines King to the class but i dont think he is interested.
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