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Listening to Willie Nelson this morning in honor of his support of Beto.
This isnt acceptable. Accepting it as part of the game and that both sides do it is HOW we got Trump. It wasnt like this before. It all changed with Newt and was made worse by Reid and then worse under the Turtle. We have to go back to a more civil time, where there are moral and ethical lines that neither side crosses, where there is civility and respect from and for both sides, where we value fellow Americans more than the fuckin Russians, where our politicians do their jobs even if that means losing an election, where we demand they do the right thing for us, our children, and our grandchildren. We can be better than this. We ARE better than this. You can be part of the solution or you can keep on with the BUT BOTH SIDES! and continue to be part of the problem. But most on this board, and most are former republicans, have had enough. No more. Fuck this shit. If you cant at the very least be a moral and ethical person then fuck you, you dont belong in office of public trust. FUCK BOTH SIDES bullshit. We are either going back to a more civil, ethical time or we are flying this bitch into the ground.
so now its BUT DEMOCRATS! lets stay focused on the worst political party in our lifetimes: the current GOP and their rampant immoral behavior and conduct. for the sake of our country, i hope the current GOP (Trump's party) is put out of its misery sooner rather than later.
A Brave New World. Pretty good so far and a little scary how much more realistic it is than 1984.
i dont know if he "knows" any but he claims to have had sex with one at least twice.
Ted Cruz IS tofu. Seriously, what the heck is tofu? No one knows. I think its science. It's unknowable. The same with Ted Cruz. He is about as definable and knowable as tofu. just a big old bland scientifically unknowable tofu born in Canada who sometimes visits Texas when his tofu ass is forced to do so.
yeah me too. and to Brisket's point, of course Jesus wouldnt align himself either way. I was joking to make a point that if you truly follow Jesus's teachings its hard not to align with the causes more readily embraced by the Democrats.
yeah well ok.... but... SHE.HAD.EMAILS! Did i do that right?
That's ok. Jesus forgives them for their greed and has grace for them.
Yes he does and then he wants you to give most of it to those less fortunate.
I dont understand people that think this way. I was raised Baptist and am now a Lutheran. We attend church every Sunday with all of our kids and are active in our church leadership. Its clear to me as a Christian that Jesus would have no choice but to be a Democrat. He dedicated his whole life to serving the poor. To helping others less fortunate. He wasnt interested in material wealth or success. He wanted to help provide medical care to those who could not afford it. He traveled around the countryside giving speeches and educating the public. He literally lived and died for every single thing the Democrats stand for and are passionate about. Abortion? If you don't think Jesus would have led the way on improving sex education and adoption services so women wouldn't have to go through such an agonizing situation, then you don't know Jesus. Yeah, Jesus is/was a dirty liberal. To think otherwise would require one to deny every single message Jesus taught during his life.
no, no, no, you dont understand. see she had EMAILS on a private server. see. that takes care of THAT! next.
Nah. Beto is going to kick his lily white Canadian Cuban Ass!
Is he? Anyone with half a brain can see that Trump is on his way out. He is going to get punished severely at the ballot box in November. And then what? Graham will have staked everything on this guy? Why in the hell would you do that now? It is clear Trump will be impeached. He wont be able to push any of his policies. Everything that is a Republican issue right now will grind to a halt. Trump will most likely be forced to resign. The Repubs will most likely lose the Senate and WH in 2020. So why now? Why do this when everything looks worse than it did 2 years ago? Why do this now when everyone else in the Senate is bailing? I am not saying that he is compromised. I just dont understand his play. He sees a sinking ship and is doing everything he can to fight his way onboard. This is a guy I respected before his turn to Trump.
me. this is different. not just beto, the whole midterm election. there is a movement to take back our country. there is increased participation and interest unlike anything i have ever witnessed. and when republicans lose the suburban moms, they lose everything. Beto wins.
the only two guys i know who paid for an abortion are staunch conservatives. one is a Republican member of the Texas legislature and one of the leading anti-abortion proponents. its always different when its you making that choice. this is a silly argument. a woman's right to control her body is a fundamental right to freedom and privacy. to rule otherwise would be to claim women are second class citizens devoid of the same freedoms and privacy enjoyed by men. its really that simple. if you oppose abortions, like i do - father of 5-, then work hard to make sure women and men have the proper education, contraception, and choices to avoid becoming pregnant to begin with. if you are a christian or a person of faith, like i am, you have got to get over believing pre-marital sex is wrong. its not. its the most natural thing you can do. and to help you, you should remember how many times you engaged in premarital sex. again, its always different when its you making that choice. we could end hundreds of thousands of abortions each year AND give a woman the fundamental right to freedom and privacy if we would just get over pretending sex is wrong and invest in education, contraception, and the right choices.
Trump An 'Unindicted Co-Conspirator'? Not To Ex-Prosecutors Share us on: By Jody Godoy Law360 (August 22, 2018, 9:12 PM EDT) -- A day after Michael Cohen pled guilty to campaign finance violations and, under oath, implicated President Donald Trump in his crimes, several Democratic senators called Trump an "unindicted co-conspirator," a term that former prosecutors say does not fit the highly watched case. Trump's longtime lawyer pled guilty to two counts of making illegal campaign contributions in the form of six-figure payments to keep two women whom Trump had had affairs with from taking their stories public ahead of the election. Shortly after Cohen set foot in court, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., himself a former U.S. attorney, tweeted that Cohen's plea and the mention of Trump were a "legal & political bombshell." "There is no other reading: President Trump is an unindicted criminal co-conspirator," Blumenthal said. By late the next day, the phrase had caught on among Blumenthal's fellow Democratic senators. They argued that Trump, being implicated in a crime, should not be allowed to pick a U.S. Supreme Court justice who could later make rulings affecting hypothetical charges against him. Twitter Ads info and privacy Regardless of Cohen's surprise in court, the "unindicted co-conspirator" label isn't accurate in this case, former prosecutors with the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office told Law360 on Wednesday. Jennifer Rodgers, executive director of the Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity at Columbia Law School, said that technically Trump is not an unindicted co-conspirator because Cohen was not charged with a conspiracy. In addition, the U.S. Attorney's Office had not described any actions by Trump in the charges against Cohen. Instead, Trump was referred to as an unnamed presidential candidate by way of describing Cohen's crime, Rodgers noted. "It's a term that doesn't quite fit, but I understand its usage because there is no other better term," Rodgers said. What should a person be called who is implicated in a crime during a plea hearing? There isn't really a term for that, she said. "He's in the soup, right? He's someone who has been implicated as having committed a crime, the same crime Cohen pled guilty to," Rodgers said. Some senators hedged. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., called Trump "the equivalent" of an unindicted co-conspirator, while Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., in a speech and Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., in a tweet used the term but noted that it was Cohen who had implicated his ex-boss. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., spilled a few more characters to say Trump had been "implicated in crimes in federal court." Former Manhattan federal prosecutor Dan Goldman said the phrase "unindicted co-conspirator" is something of a term of art that is most relevant to prosecutors when they want to introduce statements in court — say, from the friend of a conspirator — that would otherwise be banned as hearsay. But prosecutors need not use the label to prove someone was, in fact, an uncharged co-conspirator, Goldman said. Since Cohen isn't going to trial, that usage doesn't apply. Rodgers said that referring to someone as an unindicted co-conspirator can also serve as a shot across their bow, an indication that the office may be coming for them next. That motivation likely played no part one way or the other here, she said. In a sense, Cohen did what prosecutors could not. Since the U.S. Department of Justice's legal counsel has advised against the practice of charging a sitting president, for Manhattan prosecutors to suggest the DOJ views the president as a criminal actor would have been problematic. But it's unclear that Trump would have been charged even without that ban, Goldman said. Cohen's testimony at his plea hearing along with the recording he leaked last month of a conversation with Trump about the payment to Playboy model Karen McDougal may have been enough for a grand jury to find probable cause to charge, he said. But Goldman doubted prosecutors would file a case on that evidence alone. "I think that a seasoned prosecutor would not feel comfortable that that is clearly proof beyond a reasonable doubt," Goldman said. At any rate, Cohen pointing the finger at Trump during his plea hearing was likely not a surprise to prosecutors, said Harry Sandick, a partner at Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP. In complex cases, there is often an exchange ahead of time between prosecutors and defense attorneys over the allocution, that is, the facts the person will attest to as a part of their plea. "In a case of this magnitude, my assumption is that the defense counsel and the government discussed the specific wording of the allocution before going into court," Sandick said. Members of Trump's campaign, executives at Trump Organization and an editor and the publisher of the National Enquirer all played roles in the payments to McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels, according to anonymized references in the criminal information. Former prosecutors had mixed thoughts on whether the unindicted co-conspirator label would apply to others included pseudo-anonymously in the charging document. Rodgers said no. Goldman thought it might apply to the members of the campaign. Sandick noted that not using the term allowed the prosecutor's office to avoid unnecessary headaches. Sandick pointed out that there are times when not all the players in a scheme know enough about what's going on to be charged. Trump campaign members may have "potential liability," but that would depend on facts that simply aren't included in Cohen's charges, Sandick said. "By not charging it as a conspiracy, the government has not taken a position on their guilt or nonguilt," Sandick said. Asked by Law360 on Wednesday whether Blumenthal stood by his use of the term, Communications Director Maria McElwain stuck with it, saying that the information and Cohen's allocution indicated Trump had been "involved in criminal conduct." "Either way you slice it, Mr. Cohen says he committed crimes with and at the direction of President Trump — that makes the president an unindicted co-conspirator," McElwain said. --Editing by Brian Baresch and Alanna Weissman.
I like Ms. Harris. Booker not as much. I agree with the sentiment of the Warren / Teddy plan quoted up above with the exception that the Left wants bigger government now. I think we want bolder government but that doesnt mean bigger. I don't think the left wants socialism either. The Left wants more of a social democracy than anything else. Social democracy is essentially what we have now in terms of our social programs that support our democracy and capitalistic economy. The Left would like to re-focus the social programs on the people instead of the largest corporations.
i really don't think she did. i think she was limited by something else. i hope it comes out. this dude is completely compromised. i cant believe this is the guy they put up.
haha no, seriously. how do you see this ending?
The Mueller investigation has been going on for a little over a year. This guy has been on the shortlist for the Supreme Court since shortly after Trump was elected. So you think it's acceptable for a potential nominee to discuss the Special Counsel's investigation of the President's campaign with someone from the President's personal attorney's firm? And to make matters worse, to pretend you don't know or remember? Come on man, you know better. This is the kind of shit that got us here.
A Federal District Judge on the DC Circuit that may have to rule on Mueller issues and one on the freaking shortlist of SCt nominees should NOT be discussing anything about the Mueller probe with anyone at the President's personal attorney's firm. It's not proper. Its not ethical. It gives the appearance of impropriety. And he should have been able to recall in a second or less if such a conversation occurred and then answered truthfully. And I COMPLETELY disagree with you. I thought Senator Harris did an amazing job making this guy squirm and look like an idiot as he tried to avoid perjuring himself.
but THIS guy shouldnt be discussing the Mueller probe with anyone at Trump's personal attorney's firm. this should have been a simple NO.
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