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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. Longhorn94

    SXSW 2024

    And now Chef Jose Andres is here.
  2. Longhorn94

    SXSW 2024

    I am back in Austin and am now sitting next to Aaron Franklin... WTF...
  3. So strange - he is a really nice guy. His main passion is doing pro bono work for indigents... I don't get it.
  4. Fuck me... I'm sitting next to Dan Patrick's son at a dinner in SF. I'm pretty sure I should tell him how horrific his dad is...
  5. Nah, this is a different kind of stupid. We used to be common sense based, hold people accountable, and do what's right kind of people.
  6. But that's what I don't understand. The more money you have, the more you should be interested in running the state the correct way. So you know, you keep making money. But these fuckers are hellbent on destroying everything...
  7. I don't understand. I'm a 6th generation Texan. How did we get here? Why are we so stupid that we vote against our own interests? I don't get it at all. Let them destroy the state. Maybe then they will learn. Republicans don't stand for anything other than supporting their team. They aren't a serious party. They don't know how nor do they have any interest in governing. When we don't hold people accountable, you wind up with a shitty state run by idiots.
  8. if they say yes, he has complete immunity as all presidents do. then i suggest big joe biden flexes and just cancels the election, imprisons trump for whatever he wants, dismisses the court, and generally goes on a rampage as a newly crowned king of america. this shit is just stupid.
  9. Let's go Brock!
  10. if they can find ways to undermine Trump, why cant they find ways to undermine Biden?
  11. i also doubt Trump has properly followed the laws keeping his business and personal assets separate. any decent collections attorney could most likely pierce the corporate veil and collect his assets.
  12. Brendan Jaimes started at LT for Nebraska for several years and is a member of the LA Chargers now. To be fair, we have been better at QB, WR, and RB than on the line. But this kid is different and there are several 6'5+ edge and DT prospects coming up including Bobby Duncum's kid.
  13. The mom is a little crazy and her son is not happy about her antics. Well that's just a stupid take.
  14. Peanuts are the weapon of choice for kids these days. There is a good DT at LT that is Texas worthy. Big kid, very aggressive, strong, athletic, good work ethic, non-stop motor.
  15. I know all the kids involved and know exactly what happened. It was a really stupid prank amongst friends. The offenders apologized, the victim accepted the apology, and he is still on the team and hangs out with the offenders daily. It could have gone wrong really really quickly but thank God it didn't. Everyone on the team has moved on.
  16. Yeah, you're right. Haha... Neither.
  17. of my 7 member family - me, and two of my sons still have not caught the covids. the wife, daughter, and two other sons have had it. all are up to date on boosters and most recent vax. the ones who got it were in NYC or coming from a conference. all had very mild flu / cold like symptoms that resolved within a few days. is it too bold to think i might just make it without ever catching the vid?
  18. It's the best grinder out there so the espresso grind is great. It is loud but that's the fun part! Lol
  19. Baratza Encore grinder + Breville Bambino plus is perfection.
  20. And our 5th and youngest kiddo was accepted to UT yesterday. We are beyond proud and excited. We currently have 1 at UT Law, 1 getting her PhD at UVA, 1 studying abroad at Central supelac in Paris, and our youngest will be in McCombs in the fall. our oldest graduated CS and is a SW engineer at Meta. We both went to UT and now we will be 5 for 5 on the kiddos.
  21. If you think Trump has respected his corporate structures and government and not co-mingled funds I don't know what to tell you. I would bet good money piercing the corporate veil would be about as easy as trump eating a big Mac.
  22. What about NYS running his businesses once his licenses are forfeited. I would imagine the monitor / trustee would have an obligation to pay the judgment.
  23. Thanks for the suggestions! Heading there Feb 11-14th for a little retreat!
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