two thoughts:
1. The GOP has now fully embraced Trump. It is truly his party now. That means that 2018 is going to be really good or REALLY BAD for our country. If we reject Trumpism, the sun will come out and there will be brighter days ahead. If we embrace it as a nation, we will look back at the first two year as the glory days. It can and will get worse. The pre-Trump GOP has largely kept Trump in check. He really hasnt been able to do much. But those guys are all getting out. They dont want to be a part of Trump's Republican party. They see the shit show coming even if they wont say so publicly. Their actions speak louder than their silence. And they are all silently screaming by electing not to run again. IF Trumpism wins in November, the changes to this country will be staggering. As someone said above, the blatant rejection of knowledge, science, environmentalism, protecting endangered species, fraud, banking, regulations of any kind, imposing religious views, the rule of law, racism, sexism, and Trump as figurative king doing whatever he wants whenever he wants without any check or balance as there will be none in Congress. They will impeach and remove everyone in the DOJ that dares to oppose them. More and more judges will be Trump appointees. The judicial branch will fall in line with Congress and will serve Trump and protect him. In short, we will be fucked. And it will only get worse in 2020 as there will be no way to stop him and his party. Hopefully, we stop all of this stupid shit in November. Trump is put in check by a Democratically controlled Congress and he slinks off a battered and defeated man in 2020.
2. Iran is a great country full of great people. Seriously, they are amazing. They are and have been what we will become if Trumpism wins in the Fall. The government is not representative of their people. I do not want to do anything to Iran other than find a way to help their people overthrow their leaders. It is truly one of the great groups of people in the world. Smart, hard working, family oriented. They are amazing in every way. I have been fortunate enough to travel there for work several times and come away every time more and more impressed. Whatever our plan is, it should be to help the people liberate themselves from a stupid regime that rejects knowledge, science, and everything else that Trump does.