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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. i would hope the president would be removed through impeachment/conviction at that point.
  2. i never said you did.
  3. FIFY
  4. yeah thats where i am.
  5. let's start with seeing if they can figure out how to wash their clothes, make a meal, or generally do anything required to live in the real world before we start discussing world domination! lol
  6. oh i get immunity for official acts but we are discussing criminal conduct that no one is immune from at any level of government. i agree that impeachment works well most of the time. our current state has exposed a weakness in our system that warrants review and consideration.
  7. i never said remove. i said subject to the criminal justice system. if he commits a crime and a prosecutor can persuade a grand jury to indict, he/she should be indicted and tried by a jury of his peers.
  8. yeah, i am not seeing a good reason the President should be above the law. if he commits a crime, he should be subject to the criminal justice system just like any other citizen or politician.
  9. Thats really awesome PHD! Sounds like a great first year on the 40 that will set him up for the next three.
  10. Ha! Yes, she is really smart, if you can overlook her flawed personal life decisions. I know her Dad reminds me every time I see him...
  11. Glad to hear he did well his freshman year! I hear Cockrell is rough. Yeah, she loves that part of the country so will have to continue to work on it...
  12. I really liked the old thread wherein we discussed our kids getting into UT and asked questions about the process so I am restarting it here. Our oldest just finished his Sophomore year and will be a software engineer intern at Amazon this summer. He is in the Plan II Honors and Computer Science programs. Our second oldest is graduating from LT next week and will be in the Plan II Honors and Economics programs in the Fall. He is also a Jefferson Scholar and was just awarded a full 4 year scholarship by UT! Our third is our only girl and we will be touring campus next week. She is interested in Environmental Science. If anyone has any experience or information about the Environmental Science Program at UT, we would love to hear it! She is also interested in the University of Washington right now but hopefully UT will win out in the end.
  13. As the father of a son who just finished his sophomore year in the Plan II Honors and Computer Science programs and another son who will be enrolling in the Fall as a freshman in the Plan II Honors and Economics programs, I can honestly say that the University of Texas is better today than ever before. Whatever they are doing, they need to keep doing it! I absolutely love and adore my alma mater.
  14. #teamlaurel
  15. Im in Bee Caves, am I gonna make it?
  16. the only way to change this shitshow is to have a bloodbath in November. if Dems gain control of House and Senate or if almost every one of Trump's candidates are soundly rejected, the remaining Repubs will get the picture and move forward with getting rid of this clown.
  17. agreed. he will be a monster as a DT in a 4-3 or boundary 4i in our scheme. at DE, he is just another guy.
  18. well yeah but thats just your opinion....and stop being so reasonable and stuff man, not cool.... not cool.... SC fan... you guys just dont get it!
  19. so the super racists are going to vote for the brown foreigner instead of the white Texan? makes sense....
  20. Or was used to pay off people to Trump's benefit which is the same as the money filtering up to Trump.
  21. that's not my point.
  22. im not talking about being a lobbyist. as an attorney, he has a fiduciary responsibility to not engage with anyone that presents a conflict of interest with a current client. if he does not disclose his relationship with ATT to Trump, accepts $600k from ATT to persuade Trump to allow the merger with TimeWarner to proceed, then tries to talk Trump into allowing the merger, he has committed a major breach of ethics. he MUST disclose that relationship to Trump. he must tell his client that he may be hired by another with a potentially competing interest and it MAY not be in Trump's best interest for him to accept it. Trump must waive the conflict before Cohen can accept it. So either Trump did that and is in trouble or Cohen did not disclose/get waivers and is in trouble.
  23. maybe this has been covered and i missed it but isnt it a conflict of interest for Cohen to accept these engagements in order to give insight on and access to his only client? Wouldnt he be required to notify Trump of his engagement by ATT, Novartis, etc and get a waiver for each? What happens if the obligation to provide insight or access conflicts with his fiduciary responsibility to Trump as his personal attorney? I believe Trump knew about each and hope they have proof of such knowledge. But if they dont, is this another opportunity for Trump to hang Cohen out to dry? And yet another reason for Cohen to flip?
  24. Fuck handing over sources to Congress. I would rather be impeached. Make them do that before you hand over anything.
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