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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. That price hurts my head. $2k per, sure. $4k? Fuck that.
  2. 5 bedroom decently large house, about 6 years old, keep the AC at 72 in the morning, it works up to 78 at the hottest part of the day and then gradually back to 72 in the evening. AC runs about 10 hours per day. bills in summer are in the upper $300 / lower $400s. spring and fall are under $200. Winter about $300.
  3. my favorite is after i have shamed them with Jesus's words, they mostly fall back on "well i really just support his economic policies" and then its on like Donkey Kong... TELL ME ONE OF TRUMP's ECONOMIC POLICIES THAT YOU AGREE WITH AND ACTUALLY WORKED!!! that fucker took a brilliant and hot economy and ran it into the fucking ditch over and over and over again with the stupidest economic policies in the history of ever. his one consistent economic policy was to do the opposite of whatever the black man in the tan suit did. agree with his economic policies my ass. you supported him because he made you feel good about your hatred of brown people. its just that fucking simple.
  4. true. i dont give a shit if that third of the population ever changes their mind. they are beyond saving. but they know they are wrong. they know they are racist pieces of shit. and they bemoan that they have to apologize for it but their shame always shines through in a frustrated way that they have to apologize for being racist and sexist and for not caring about those who are most at risk. i mean how can you expect them to when they first have to worry about taxes, and govt spending on programs that help the vulnerable, and dont get me started on focusing on battling Disney for the hearts and souls of the children that Disney is trying to infect with the gay. I just shame them with Jesus's words until they finally give in or walk away... my point is we just need to force those people back into their holes and shame them into shutting the fuck up. its not ok to have any of those views and its certainly not ok for you to voice them or act on them or vote for them.
  5. i hear you and mostly agree with you as that applies to everyday people who are just shitty. life is often random and unkind. but i thought we were talking about truly horrific people like Trump.
  6. that is a whole different 100+ page conversation. Im not sure how to rectify Texas Governor Bush with Prez W but I would lay most of the above on Dick Cheney and his merry band of dipshits. and then down the rabbit hole we go....
  7. who gives a shit if half the country cares or not. this is about justice not anything else. i cant think of anyone who has ever walked through life without any consequence. life is brutal. and generally, karma is a bitch. it may not happen when you or i want it to but very rarely does it miss someone who deserves it. i cant think of any truly horrible person that didnt end up getting fucked 15 different ways by Karma. he will get his and it will be glorious to watch. he aint special. he doesnt have any magic. hell, the dude has had karma shit all over him in just about every endeavor he has ever been involved in. he just covers it up and pretends like the shit sandwiches he has been forced to eat over and over again were really caviar. but nah, he isnt a unicorn. he is just a rich white dude who has been afforded every advantage thus far. well that all stopped when he got indicted in NY and then in FL and now he is about to find out in GA and DC. the dude is fucked and he is going to fucking pay for all the absolutely stupid shit he has done. and im going to be laughing the entire time. he is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide (including my brother and my mother-in-law) and i will be cheering at his.
  8. Recruiting is fun again. What a weird coincidence...
  9. thx @blacklab! but someone up above said the 10% cap is still in place. so if that is true, it will be a small savings but still a savings.
  10. well, duh, thats because the most important and urgent issues facing this state are: 1. making sure liberals don't take away all of our guns; 2. making sure liberals dont kill all the babies; and 3. making sure liberals don't kill God; and 4. making sure liberals dont let all the mexicans into the state; and, and 5. making sure liberals can't vote.
  11. anyone have a practical example of how this "tax cut" plays out? let's say you own a home that is homesteaded and appraised at $1M, what savings, if any, will you actually see?
  12. Love Flagstaff!
  13. Y'all are crazy. I would take Shipley and Cosby over this WR room all day long. Shipley without any knee injuries is better and more talented than any receiver in that room. VY was amazed by frosh ship.
  14. I don't know you but I have been where you are. 13 years ago I lost everything and had to start over. I made it with a lot of help from friends, some on this board. Let us know you're ok and what kind of work you are looking for. If you need someone to listen, PM me for my cell. I'm available anytime.
  15. A member of my firm has season tickets and they have invited me to attend. I will definitely find yall as well.
  16. I fly out of AUS weekly. It's a relatively easy airport to get to, fly out of, and fly into. Very few delays. Almost no issues. It's my favorite airport and am glad it's my home base. JFK and LAX can be nightmares. And don't get me started on SFO or LaGuardia. MSP and Det are also great. SLC is awesome. ATL is not so much. I did fly out this morning and I have never seen it like that. The clear line was crazy long and it was the shortest.
  17. thank you for clearing that up. A Weissman is pretty adamant that Trump will be charged in DC while his assistants will be charged in FL. i wonder how he gets there.
  18. perhaps i am thinking of another discussion, but i seem to recall violations of the PRA fall under DC's exclusive jurisdiction. Would these charges not be brought under the PRA?
  19. Cabo next week, smoky mountain national park in July, and then Greece in August!
  20. i love this show. the interplay between catherine and peter is uh.... great! but the supporting cast is excellent as well. just the right mix of comedy, satire, sex, and drama. its a really good show.
  21. im headed to Vegas tonight for a legal conference. staying at the Cosmopolitan. it would be fun to catch a Stars game there over the weekend.
  22. We watched it last night and really enjoyed it. Damon and Affleck were great!
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